Example sentences of "[noun sg] you [prep] " in BNC.

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1 What mean you by that ? ’
2 ‘ I do n't want to press-gang you into doing something you 're not happy with , so if you have any reservations just say so .
3 But that wo n't stop the timeshare touts trying to soft-soap you into buying abroad .
4 Well I went to work on the Saturday morning at six and we were dredging until half past twelve , then we would , then do repairs till five o'clock at night and then five o'clock at night , when the other crew had gone home , when I start to stay there then from five o'clock Saturday night till Monday morning six o'clock all the time just to keep watch on the dredger , I used to sleep mind you during part of the time and erm used to have a big old tortoise stove down the cabin and make good fire .
5 She used to mind you in them days you there was no er fitted carpets on your floor .
6 ‘ If you do n't make more effort to be civil , I may regret fishing you from the sea on your arrival .
7 If you 'd planned to set his mind like glue on wedding you to this Islesman , you could n't have done better .
8 Well more fool you for letting him
9 If you would like to know more about it — and you have checked that your employer would be prepared to allow SCOTVEC to second you for a maximum of 15 days per year — contact Andrew Burt on .
10 Brief people close to you to cajole you into doing things and not to take no for an answer .
11 The caller from the agency may plead and cajole you into agreeing to accept the job , especially if it is a last minute booking and they are desperate for someone .
12 If you walked round the bishop 's wood shortly before you left Cuddesdon , you were likely to become aware of an elfin prelate hunting you through the shrubbery like a gaitered satyr ; and when he caught up with you he would say breathlessly , ‘ If you ever need a bed … ( panting ) … do n't forget I have fifteen spare bedrooms ’ .
13 They seem to think because you have a child you re an easy catch to bed and breakfast .
14 Not satisfied by the cruelty of his barbaric act , Claverhouse turned to Isabel , ‘ What think you of your husband now , woman ? ’
15 ‘ Black Will has taken a fancy to your little brother — what think you of that !
16 The British reader , who is likely to have been spared certain of the varieties of suffering which are spoken of in the writings of Kundera and Klima , where a joke , or no joke , or nothing whatever , can sequester you for years from the people you grew up with , is in a position , for all that , to know what Sabina means here .
17 Perhaps you will have a part-time job and a small capital reserve to tide you over the lean years until the farm is pulling its weight .
18 But oh , no , Hugh sweet-talked you into working with him .
19 ‘ Of course you re fair , ’ Dwayne says .
20 What part you from ? ’
21 Get it to analyse specific behaviour and situations rather than to censure you as a person .
22 Someone may grab your collar with both hands in order to head-butt you in the face , or may seize you by the hair to punch you .
23 O may the memory of Charlie 's love and his earnest desire that you shall grow up an earnest Christian lead you to … throw your whole soul into the service of Christ … ‘
24 The critique of masculinity which says , ‘ for all your confidence you as man are insecure and afraid ’ , is not repudiated but incorporated ; man 's insecurity is embraced as an enhancing vulnerability .
25 You 're so ugly I would n't f— you with HIS dick !
26 I do hope I sha n't drop any bricks in Overclyst , and disgrace you for life . ’
27 They can arrange to mary you in a hot air balloon or on the beach , they can even invite along some monks to attend the proceedings .
28 Those who truly love you will want to know the true you in any event .
29 I mean sh shame in the banks I mean we do n't get charges any charges from this bank , I mean if , if you er put it in some banks you get interest charge you on your cheques and all sorts of things , it , it 's as broad as it 's long usually but er I mean we are gon na accumulate money , I do n't think we should accumulate very much more now , we , we 've ample funds for everything we need er but it 's a question
30 Will you maintain a more reasonable pace if I bombard you with inane questions ? ’
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