Example sentences of "[noun sg] it give " in BNC.

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1 The significance is the boost it gives to the AX 's performance , particularly in the context of the diesel .
2 She had learnt long ago that Nahum 's chief interest in the Foundling Hospital was the boost it gave to his own ego being on the Board of Governors , a position acquired mainly through the generosity of his brother-in-law , John Bradford , who always supported the charity financially .
3 Keeping that in mind it gives you somewhere else to go musically , and those themes tend to be a little more prominent from an adult point of view .
4 The United States can influence Guatemala 's government and restrain its army by the aid it gives .
5 On the face of it this is unlikely to be acceptable to the vendor since in effect it gives an option to purchase , though it may be more acceptable if the period allowed for preparing the report is short .
6 In effect it gave the UK all the frequencies needed for a nationwide Carfax service on a dedicated lattice .
7 In practice this agreement reflected yet again the pattern adopted by Shearman in Bedfordshire from 1930 onwards , and in effect it gave university resident tutors freedom to arrange both types of Chapter III courses .
8 Kevin Inkster discarded the loose chain when he was dissatisfied with the cut it gave , but it made him realise that he was certainly on the right lines .
9 Her owner , an anonymous Suffolk man , left the cash in his will to the National Society for Epilepsy on condition it gave Sooty a home .
10 The only sign he ever gave that anything was amiss in his family was the number of times he got out his thumbnail-sized pipe for the comfort of the single puff it gave him .
11 I remember the pleasure it gave a handful of guests at the Dilworth home when Ira and Arthur gave us their four-hand version of Bach 's chorale ‘ Where Sheep May Safely Graze ’ .
12 He enjoyed her body , though he would n't allow himself to dwell on the pleasure it gave him , and being away from her , even for one day , was a kind of purgatory .
13 Despite the pleasure it gave Minton to walk into a friend 's house and find his own wallpaper , purchased without his friend knowing he had designed it , he did not take his interest in this area much further .
14 ‘ Whatever pleasure it gives you can not match the pleasure it gave me to buy this trinket for you . ’
15 I told him how much pleasure it gave me to think of him in charge of the school next year .
16 It was also the terrible pleasure it gave her when he touched her .
17 The pleasure it gives is rapidly subsumed by emotions that squeeze the heart .
18 ‘ Whatever pleasure it gives you can not match the pleasure it gave me to buy this trinket for you . ’
19 ‘ It is — ah — splendid and — ah — heartwarming to see you all here enjoying yourselves , and I want to say — ah — how much pleasure it gives my good wife and — ah — myself ’ ( he could never work out whether it should be ‘ I ’ or ‘ me ’ ) ‘ to be able to entertain you in our modest home .
20 ‘ I suppose a young man like you would n't understand what pleasure it gives me to remove tight shoes ? ’
21 Sometimes I we always felt that you 'd like to play against the wind it gives you just that
22 On the plus side it gives an opportunity to monitor good practice , which will hopefully lead to improved standards ’ .
23 I can not describe the solace it gave me .
24 But until you consider the amount of money tied up in County Farms , and the return it gives us , and the , the subsidy if you like of so few people , and you think that school ca n't have toilets and things like that , then these should all go into the decision making melting pot , and this council should not blind itself to the various options that there could be , and in those circumstances Mr I think should be allowed to explore the possibilities of the market .
25 For instance , in the very first passage it gives a much better explanation of what all the excitement is about when a messenger arrives hotfoot telling of the habitual ‘ skirmish of wit ’ between Beatrice and Benedict provides the comedy with its starting-point , as in the play itself .
26 An advantage of the modular form is the flexibility it gives to both staff and student in organising a suitable degree course .
27 Another attraction of the scheme is the flexibility it gives to general practitioners to make budgetary savings in certain aspects of their clinical practice which can then be reinvested in other aspects of patient care .
28 I think the most attractive feature of being a pluralist is the independence it gives and that has certainly been borne out in my experience .
29 But in the desert it gives a strange moaning sound , low and sensual , accompanied by the singing of the sand as it skates across itself .
30 Once the system has accepted an in put from the tablet it gives an acknowledging Beep from the computer and prompts for the next command to execute the function .
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