Example sentences of "[noun sg] and [adv] " in BNC.

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1 By the age of 3 years most children can voluntarily initiate emptying a full bladder and later a partly full bladder .
2 There are many medical treatments for incontinence , which include medicines , exercises , ‘ retraining ’ the bladder and occasionally an operation to repair the bladder .
3 Like Galileo , he was committed to the Copernican system as a cosmology and not merely as a mathematical hypothesis .
4 If one of the necessary chores of an archaeologist is to reconstruct subsistence and technology , it is one of his chief privileges to explore the values of the civilizations coming within his purview and not least the symbols which have served to define status and acknowledge outstanding achievement .
5 Note that a brake drum is part of the wheel and not the braking system .
6 but then , is , does it not , the next point then does not er what Mr say have relevant cause , because if there is this risk which in the purposes of the argument rule , start if you like as a wheel and not a , a , a , a , a fanciful risk , the reasons yourself just put forward , er then it must follow that there is a risk , er that erm the members agents will not be able to call on names to provide the funds
7 Doddie Weir still has a lot to learn about No 8 play when it comes to back-row moves , witness the occasion against England when he picked up against the wheel and still tried to complete the move .
8 Mr Tuckett was at the wheel and obviously the family business was doing OK .
9 Mark on parallel lines with the pastry wheel and then use it to wrap round the sides of the cake .
10 By early 1937 Waismann completed Logik , Sprache , Philosophie , but the Anschluss and later the invasion of Holland frustrated his plans for publishing the German text .
11 ‘ We 've had a lot of positive feedback from the people of the Borough and even a letter of thanks — something which is almost unheard of in our business ! ’
12 He wanted to help practically , so he went around the borough and elsewhere , looking for talent .
13 ( It is open to a district to decide whether it wishes to be a borough and so enjoy the dignity of having a mayor . )
14 Even though chronic hepatitis C appears to be an indolent disease in most patients , the observation that at least a fifth develop cirrhosis and as many as a quarter progress to liver failure indicates that chronic hepatitis C is not a benign disease .
15 From his study of several village communities in Wiltshire , for example , Ingram has found that the great majority of villagers did not belong to polarized extremes , but rather adhered to a conventional mainstream Protestantism ; furthermore , Ingram believes it was the youth of the parish , rather than the least well-off , who were the most indifferent to religion and most impervious to moral discipline .
16 In the field of philosophy logical support was claimed for the absolute superiority of scientific and mathematical thinking over religion and even traditional philosophy .
17 Sandor Rado , in an article devoted to the elucidation of manic-depressive disorders , expresses the opinion that ‘ At the bottom of the melancholiac 's profound dread of impoverishment there is really simply a dread of starvation … drinking at the mother 's breast remains the radiant image of unremitting , forgiving love , ’ and he adds that ‘ It is certainly no mere chance that the Madonna nursing the Child has become the emblem of a mighty religion and thereby the emblem of a whole epoch in our Western civilization .
18 The Methodists preach religion and so does the Church of England . ’
19 Similarly , all the forms of human culture — art , law , religion and so on-are objectifications of the human spirit by which it projects itself externally in order then to move on through them to a higher self-realisation .
20 For instance if you translate ‘ neighbourly behaviour ’ into ‘ altruism ’ or ‘ community ’ you are immediately into all the problems discussed from Tönnies and Durkheim onwards ( i.e. how and why solidarity is built upon kinship , common place , occupation , religion and so on ) .
21 Not that she believes in anything , religion and so on — and nor do I of course , though I was brought up a little as a Catholic — but she goes by omens , auguri .
22 But I think one of the things that men are afraid of is that when women get into the things the attitudes change , as we were saying about bigotry and religion and so on with football , I do n't think that men want that because this is the perfect club they can enjoy and indulge all that , but if women really get into it the thing will change as society does .
23 Well what this springs up is the issue , one of the issues we started with which is democracy in the tyranny of the majority is what Mill recognizes is is that a maj well he claims to be concerned that the majority will make a decision which is against the interests of everyone , but he 's equally concerned about the issue that the majority might make a decision which is against the interests just of a picked-on minority , people with unpopular views , people who hold er members of a different religion and so on .
24 The word spiritual has become for many fundamentally dissociated from religion and so serves to encourage an alternative , one that is more attractive because lacking both definition and the incubus associated with religion .
25 I 'm not sure that withholding diplomatic recognition is the best way to approach that , after all diplomatic recognition is concerned really with the effective control of territory and things like that rather than with moral principles , however , I think that er , when the Soviet Republics are signing their new Union Treaty or Commonwealth Treaty or whatever it 's going to be called by that time , this question should be amongst the most important to be tackled there , that 's to say the rights of ethnic minorities living in Republican Territories , that they should have the right to educate their children in their own language , that they should have the right to their own religion and so on and so forth .
26 In some cases population intermingled there 's bound to be conflict whatever happens , it seems to me that these problems can only be solved , first of all by ensuring that all eth ethnic groups have the right to their own culture , their own language , their own religion and so on and to exercise them in their own territory , but they 're not discriminated again in jobs and housing and education , er and then also as you say to help with state sponsored finance people who do decide that they want to migrate , that they do n't want to live in somebody else 's Republic , that they do want to move across the border into , as it were , their own Republic .
27 Other influences can include , in some areas , religion and quite often age and sex : local parties are reluctant to adopt women candidates ( the folklore being that women voters dislike voting for them ) and anyone aged under 30 or over 50 years .
28 On matters where there are social inhibitions about declaring one 's most personal views or experiences , such as in sexual matters , family relationships , social class , religion and perhaps politics , it is obvious that informal interviewing could result in very selective discussions taking place from which the researcher would simply produce the sort of information which suited his own bias .
29 Her natural passivity , encouraged by her religion and perhaps by the fact that she was pregnant , committed her to a mood of acceptance that was sweetly and hermetically selfish .
30 In other words , they created a self-image and then sold it to the greater powers of western Europe ; and whatever their reaction , be it incredulous , admiring or contemptuous , these powers now found it impossible to ignore the Scots ' insistent demands that they should be noticed .
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