Example sentences of "[noun sg] for [verb] " in BNC.

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1 We chose linear regression for describing the overall changes in mean sperm concentrations , but other statistical models have also been tested .
2 ‘ The first time your children tell you they 've heard the story , remember , I warned you , ’ He drained his mug , dropping it over his shoulder into the water slushing around in the galley : ‘ Nothing like a hurricane for washing dishes . ’
3 They both express the same , slightly ironic , delight in the munificence of old houses : Cobbett , when walking through the Duke of Buckingham 's park , remarks in a manner that anticipates Harold Skimpole 's : ‘ I , like POPE 'S cock in the farm-yard , could not help thanking the DUKE and DUCHESS for having generously made such ample provision for our pleasure .
4 ‘ You 've been such a brick for carrying on while I was away .
5 For safety 's sake , replace any plugs that do not have partly sleeved live and neutral pins if you have children in the house , since this provides extra protection for prying little fingers .
6 The protection for losing authorities ( for the following three years ) will be paid for by the Exchequer , ’ Mr Hunt said , answering a demand for central funding repeated in the debate .
7 There is a major obstacle to developing a practical sensor for measuring the enantiomeric purity of drugs or their metabolites in physiological samples .
8 US banks , which also lost heavily , were furious with the Bundesbank for refusing to compensate them .
9 Mr Lamont went on to slam the German Bundesbank for forcing devaluation .
10 What it 's like : adjustable , removable seat with neck support and removable padded outer cover which can be used as a cradle for nursing and dozing , terry bib and adjustable padded straps .
11 Pin the angled offcuts from the legs on to a scrap piece of wood to make an excellent cradle for planing and also for clamping blocks .
12 21–7 " Letters were read from the secretary and convener of the Praise Committee of the Church with regard to a grant for assisting the congregation to secure an instrument to be used in congregational praise , from which it appears that the Committee were prepared to give £10 on condition that the instrument would be introduced in connection with public worship , and that the congregation contributed a suitable proportion of the cost . "
13 The Department of Transport was then offering a 50% grant towards the cost of new one-man buses , and was persuaded to give Blackpool the same grant for converting its railcoaches to ‘ new trams ’ .
14 That is the case with P&O Scottish Ferries : its grant for providing services to and from Shetland and Orkney has just been been raised by £1.9m , to £8.6m .
15 A home built before 1919 might merit a grant for repairing foundations or roof , for instance .
16 THE Sports Council may cut the British Amateur Weightlifters ' Association 's £170,000 grant for taking no action against Andrew Davies and Andrew Saxton .
17 Your local council can make a grant towards improving or repairing your home , and that can include a grant for making your home warmer .
18 yeah , you get a subsidized grant for going to London , yeah , so you get like more than normal
19 In other words , any immigrant , disabled , single-parent , unemployed lesbian trombonist could get a grant for turning up .
20 For example , group discussion may precede and follow individual writing ; writing may be collaborative ; and listening to stories is often a preparation for reading .
21 The fortunate pre-school child will have considerable preparation for reading from book activities in the home and at the play-group , and by visiting the public library .
22 Drainage , via ditch and channel provision , in preparation for planting also increases the drainage network within a catchment .
23 Where stakes are needed , preparation for planting therefore includes preparing stakes of sufficient length and strength , and protecting them against rotting .
24 Preparation for planting means having everything ready to hand before you start the job .
25 These were the kids ‘ educated ’ to memorise reams of context-less information in preparation for filling in multiple choice school entrance exams .
26 They have experienced considerable movement and disruption in care , and have inadequate knowledge of their past , too little suitable preparation for leaving care , and little or no reliable help and support once they have left .
27 While Rain used it Oliver did a few more chores in preparation for leaving the flat , finishing by packing their bags .
28 In these cases the committee has to be satisfied that there has been a bona fide change of intention , or that there are other exceptional circumstances , and if satisfied can permit the applicant to complete additional training as a preparation for entering pupillage .
29 By the time your young dog is about six months old you should be developing other commands which will form part of its outdoor training requirements , in preparation for allowing the dog off its leash .
30 Making a fist 1 : the correct way to clench and exercise a fist in preparation for punching .
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