Example sentences of "[noun sg] begin move " in BNC.

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1 ‘ And where are we going ? ’ she added , her eyes widening in apprehension as the limousine began moving swiftly through the narrow streets of the City .
2 The man pulled himself in after the stretcher , the doors were closed and the ambulance began to move off , its siren wailing mournfully .
3 The car began to move forward , slowly this time , until its wheels reached the disrupted earth , which heaved and heaved again .
4 He switched on the engine , and the car began to move swiftly through the suburbs where she lived .
5 ‘ Just do n't expect too much , ’ he said quietly , as the car began to move away .
6 As the international situation became more serious , the President began to move cautiously against the idea of complete American neutrality .
7 Then a big rock began to move as well , and suddenly half the hillside was moving .
8 He snaked off again and within minutes the throng began moving towards dinner , dividing into ten to a table , lowering bottoms onto inadequate chairs , fingering menus , peering at the print through candlelight , scanning their allotted neighbours .
9 Scattered cheers answered him , big Mary gave a ‘ Heeuggh ! ’ like a dancer , and the whole throng began to move along the road westwards , past the dark silent façade of the inn , the equally silent church and manse , towards the gates of Castle Menzies .
10 Since the machine began to move towards the water as soon as they were inside , changing in its damp , smelly and retracted confines was none too easy , despite the lure of their newly acquired bathing costumes .
11 Then the silent , slow machinery of English law began to move .
12 The woman with the child began to move away .
13 Just as the column began to move , a schoolgirl , pushing a baby in a pram , accidentally backed into a police horse .
14 The march of the Ents to Isengard makes true the report of the frightened messenger to the incredulous Macbeth in Act V Scene 5 : ‘ As I did stand my watch upon the hill/I looked toward Birnam and anon methought/The wood began to move . ’
15 But after a few minutes I saw the creature 's body begin to move .
16 The disputes between the counties and county boroughs continued as the population began to move out of the industrial cities into surrounding suburban estates or commuter villages in county areas .
17 In the meantime , opinion began to move towards the last of the possibilities — and the one which suited Baldwin the best — a minority Labour Government .
18 Her helpless moans of delight seemed to excite his own desire , perspiration breaking out on his skin as his body began moving against her with a rhythmic urgency he could barely control .
19 At the sound of his husky voice Laura 's heart began beating rapidly , her breathing quickening , and , totally beyond her control , her body began moving sensually and invitingly beneath him .
20 Hunger surged between them like fire and Felipe 's body began to move restlessly , seeking her softness , his hand beginning to mould her closer still .
21 The waiter began to move away .
22 Towards half-time , Town began to move ; started to flow .
23 William did n't know what it was — flood or earthquake , drought or famine , or a combination of all four — but they moved , and they took the fleas and the bacilli with them , and somewhere in their travels they encountered the black rat rattus rattus , and the drama began to move along a bit , because rattus rattus was a vagabond and a great little mover .
24 She seemed very beautiful to him , and his heart began to move within him .
25 After tea the batsman continued to play their shots and the runs came , but the ball began to move around and wickets fell , too .
26 Piphros ' head began to move from side to side , the entire body shaking , and oozing moisture .
27 Martin strode quickly towards him , picked up the phone , said , ‘ Yes ? ’ then listened ; and as he did so his head began to move in small jerks as he looked from side to side .
28 He looked at me as if he could not believe his eyes , and a faint , doubtful smile began to move his lips .
29 Crudely put , authority and leadership began to move from traditional leaders , be they the old pro Jordanian élite or the post-1976 pro-PLO mayors ( most of whom had been eliminated by the authorities ) , into new but less visible hands .
30 Roses in the second category — including those that have been repeated flowering well into autumn — are pruned towards the end of the winter dormancy period when the sap begins to move , and the axillary growth buds begin to swell .
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