Example sentences of "[noun sg] begin look " in BNC.

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1 But , taking its cue from the Flowers Report , the industry began to look with renewed vigour for somewhere to get rid of its most troublesome detritus .
2 Rock began to look outmoded , and pop was sexy and young .
3 They took the lead when Steel headed in Hughes 's perfect cross as Spurs ' formation began to look as ragged as a returning Battle of Britain squadron .
4 Mr Hill said : ‘ Mr McGregor appreciated something was not right but had no more time than a split second to begin to look round the corner of his chair when he was struck two extremely heavy blows to the base of his skull and the back of his neck by this defendant wielding a heavy fire extinguisher .
5 No-one could label him ‘ collaborator ’ , and a wide spectrum of the population began to look to him in the chaotic aftermath of the Japanese defeat .
6 The robot business began to look brighter as we built up experience in putting the machines to work .
7 Soon business began to look up , and the biggest barrow in the world even returned enough of a profit to allow Sal to buy a second-hand dress , Kitty a pair of shoes and Charlie a third-hand suit .
8 The rector began to look quite shy .
9 And if ‘ planning ’ is now possible at the level of the giant enterprise , perhaps straddling several branches of production , then the planning of the economy to meet social objectives is at least ‘ put on the agenda ’ : what was only a long run historical speculation in the era of smaller-scale entrepreneurial capitalism begins to look like an economically feasible proposition .
10 Oversold health-care shares are now rebounding , as Mr Clinton 's ability to push through sweeping reform begins to look limited .
11 With Amdahl Corp faced with an uphill struggle to adjust its business so that it can thrive in a post-mainframe world , and all its other major investments — things like the former Poqet Computer Corp and HAL Computers Inc still in the development stage and demanding more capital , while its own core business is a victim of the mainframe malaise , Fujitsu Ltd 's 80% of ICL Plc begins to look the company 's most valuable asset , making it increasingly likely that the company will in due course want to float a lot more than the 25% it originally suggested on the London International Stock Exchange : Fujitsu 's biggest problem is the one now facing all big Japanese companies — that the days of cheap capital at home are gone with the bubble economy , probably forever , and many Japanese companies issued convertibles in the 1980s that are coming up to maturity ; with prices on the Tokyo exchange still bombed out , few holders are going to want to convert into shares , which means that issuers will have to raise expensive new capital on the international markets to redeem them .
12 Mum began to look more at ease .
13 We entered the room and Mum began to look round , but my eyes were drawn to the bed .
14 However , the margarine adverts having got to me , and the latest atherosclerosis story beginning to look as though it might be true , I succumbed to the temptation of having my lipids ( blood fats , including cholesterol ) done .
15 So my skin began to look better , my guts were giving a great , big heartfelt vote of thanks , but I went on losing weight that it seemed to me I could ill afford to lose .
16 His bare back began to look very red an d he kept waving his arms at the insects which he was disturbing .
17 But with a lot of uncertainty in the market and with trade buyers thin on the ground , an MBO began to look more attractive .
18 The question of securing the central Asian trade began to look urgent .
19 However , the claim begins to look exaggerated in the context of the causes of the growth ; in particular , the contracting out of services from the productive industries .
20 When the reliability of the two control methods are compared , closed-loop control begins to look very attractive , because it eliminates many of the problems associated with open-loop control ( mechanical resonance , intolerance of load changes ) .
21 The US government began to look favourably on such plans in the mid-sixties , presumably out of a realization that something more permanent than arm-twisting had to be done to protect the gold in Fort Knox .
22 But if it is the case , simply and conclusively , that music ‘ must intervene actively in consciousness through its own forms and not take instructions from … the consciousness of the user ’ ( quoted in Held 1980 : 83 ) , the baby has gone as well as the bath water and utopian critique begins to look suspiciously like spiritual determinism , autonomy like repression .
23 The client can then assess the probable costs of abandoning the disposal at each stage of the process should a sale begin to look unlikely .
24 Then logic became distorted , and the sequence of events since his arrival began to look like a conspiracy .
25 The situation began to look ugly but Superintendent Bristow and all the available men on duty — some in plain clothes kept things in hand .
26 The argument from error has here a plausible consistency , while the point which Nozick takes to be his strength begins to look like a weakness .
27 Although I accept that the Home Secretary will not resign at this stage , does he accept that , when that case is combined with prisoner escapes and Sunday trading , his credentials as a law and order Minister begin to look a little threadbare ?
28 Coleridge and Sara fixed their wedding for early October , and in the meantime began looking for a home .
29 In fact , Wordsworth 's position begins to look surprisingly consistent , if one considers what he is against ; he is prepared to use any weapon to attack liberal commercial values and the new affluent middle class .
30 There are two reasons why Mr Birt 's position begins to look vulnerable .
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