Example sentences of "[noun sg] use [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 JOHN Gummer came to the despatch box to give the new guidelines for safe cooking using microwave ovens .
2 An echo technique using analysis of diastolic flow patterns may be more sensitive .
3 You must have DC Operations privilege to be able to submit a Design Change using option 2.1.3 .
4 You must have DC operations privilege to submit a Design Change using option 2.1.3 .
5 Make pastry using rub-in method .
6 You should clear the model subtype field using LINEFEED or Ctrl/J and enter the model subtype name of a process model which is currently installed .
7 Obviously further work needs to be done in this area , and long-term studies now in progress using antiplatelet agents such as aspirin and dipyridamole need to be evaluated for possible protective effects on the development of microvascular and macrovascular disease in diabetic subjects .
8 The game starts off with a view looking through a camera which can be moved around the course using arrow icons .
9 You should ask the package manager for this and enter the password using option 1.7.0 — View Module Details or the package manager can set up a special relation using option 7.2.6 — Grant / Cancel Special Link which gives you automatic access to all modules managed by that user .
10 Roles may be assigned or deassigned by a user with Project Administator privilege using option 7.2.2 — Update User Details .
11 Amendments to the ROLES.DAT file should only be performed by the LIFESPAN Manager and roles may only be assigned by users with project administrator privilege using option 7.2.2 — Update User .
12 The practical applications of the work will be to provide information for coastal planning and engineering studies , to identify marine aggregate resources , to give advice on the siting of outfalls , cable and pipeline routes , and to carry out geochemical baseline studies and investigate sediment contamination using information from the geological survey .
13 The research has access to data on assistance payments , employment and financial characteristics , and this will be used to estimate the effects of assistance at the establishment level using regression techniques .
14 The kilns were fired from a tunnel underneath the lower level using paraffin soaked faggots .
15 Hair colourants — the permanent variety using oxidation dyes — lift the hair 's protective outer cuticle scales , too , to impart or change the pigment inside , while bleaching works by neutralising some of the darker natural pigment .
16 I have no difficulty using gesso or in laying and burnishing the leaf , but I am unable to find a suitable way of laying paint onto burnished leaf .
17 But Liddie had difficulty using help .
18 Government environmental and medical authorities in Northern Ireland , Britain , Germany , Holland , Belgium and the US have also been consulted and their advice has been incorporated in building the most modern asbestos using plant in the world .
19 It may also be possible to extend the diagnostic discrimination using cytokeratin subtype classification , neuroendocrine status , or serological antibody titres .
20 A package manager or ascendent may mark a package for auto DC assessment using option 1.8.0 — Update Module Details .
21 If it has just been created using option 2.1.1 — Create DC , it should now be updated using option 2.1.2 — Update DC and then submitted for assessment using option 2.1.3 , whereupon no further changes will be possible .
22 The DC can be further updated using the same option , 2.1.2 — Update DC or can be submitted for assessment using option 2.1.3 — Submit DC .
23 You have tried to submit a Design Change ( DC ) for assessment using option 2.1.3 — Submit DC , without having the privilege DC OPERATIONS .
24 After viability assessment using trypan blue exclusion , the total cell number was determined at 7 , 14 , and 21 days by counting at least three samples from each concentration using a haemocytometer .
25 Skin and bone samples sent from the Alps , where he was found , have been analysed at Oxford University using carbon dating .
26 To save entering the program segment for every program you write , create a file containing the program segment using PipeDream and save it in the plain text mode as EDBAS .
27 TFIIF , a transcription initiation factor for mammalian RNA polymerase II , has been analyzed in terms of structural and catalytic function using deletion mutants of each subunit .
28 Os and Re were separated from acid digestions of samples ( 2–4g ) of whole-rock powder using distillation and anion exchange respectively .
30 Thus although there was no significant relationship between normality and P(A) from Study 3 it seems advisable to see whether this is also the case using normality ratings taken from the Groeger and Chapman study .
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