Example sentences of "[noun sg] because [pron] " in BNC.

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1 rejected the allegation that the wife 's agreement to the opening of the account had been procured by undue influence on the part of her husband , but dealt with ‘ the suggestion that the bank are disentitled to enforce the mandate because they sent or gave the document to Mr. Shephard and did not themselves obtain the defendant 's signature ’ by holding [ 1988 ] 3 All E.R.
2 ( The Congress in fact voted on April 21 to deprive four deputies , including Industry Minister , Aleksandr Titkin , of their mandate because they occupied government posts . )
3 Partnership arrangements between a college and a company or companies might encompass a range of activities , including skills-updating courses , supervisory management and intensive language tuition for example , which fall outside the scope of this chapter because they do not impact directly upon the 16–19 age group .
4 However , we have chosen to discuss experiments on discourse and experiments on sentence comprehension in a single chapter because we see them as being closely related .
5 I was actually astonished to find Mill making exactly this argument against another proposal in erm a later chapter because he considers a possibility and some people have put forward the view apparently , I have n't heard of this , erm in the version that Mill discusses , that the two stage action where we vote for people who then go to vote for the members of parliament so the individual people do n't vote directly for members of parliament but they vote for people who then have elections an election among themselves .
6 I make no apology for the title of this chapter because it was an expression which my cousins used very frequently .
7 However , it is a distinction we are going to maintain in this chapter because it has the effect of separately identifying the discount market .
8 BIRD 'S CUSTARD : In 1837 , Alfred Bird hit on the formula for Bird 's custard because his wife had digestive troubles and could not tolerate eggs .
9 Hector is a brilliant soldier because he never loses the NCO 's love of discipline through drill .
10 He chose a child as his lover because it fed that ego ; he lost her because he never cottoned on to the fact that children are children , no matter how grown-up they might appear .
11 He argues that Y-cells are so rare in the retina they can not possibly contribute to visual perception because their resolution , by themselves , is inadequate to convey any useful information .
12 Yet clubs are faced with court summonses , and threatened by closure because they can not afford to pay their rates and local councils refuse to waive part of the bill .
13 The markets have been earmarked for closure because it will cost more than £6m to bring them up to new EC hygiene standards .
14 Usually the negative feedback begins with ‘ but ’ : e.g. ‘ We were very lucky to get Harry fro the opposition because he 's the top marketing person in the country — but he knows nothing about our products and still has a lot to learn ’ .
15 ‘ It has trounced the opposition because it is truly portable , with a long battery life , and will fit into your pocket .
16 No such assurances have been given by the Opposition because it is not possible for them to do so .
17 In Wales and Ireland , Anselm 's claims met with no real opposition because there was , as yet , no rival organization to challenge them .
18 A nerve jiggled at the corner of Meredith 's mouth because she was beginning to piece small bits of information together and was coming up with a heap of worries .
19 Now if it 's tablets they 've taken we do n't do whatever Angie did years ago in , in Eastenders and , and then she 's walked up and down and given gallons of coffee , what you do is keep your casualty at rest , nil by mouth because you , if you give them any fluid whatsoever it 's going to dilate , dilute the tablets that are in the stomach , and once they 're diluted they 've gone into the system quicker , mm , so there 's nil by mouth , now if you 're going to get up and walk them up and down because come on you must walk up and down , what 's happening to this per these tablets ?
20 For example , does an animal recoil from a naked flame because it can feel the heat or because it can ‘ see ’ the heat — or because it has some completely different sense that alerts it to the danger ?
21 Ballantyne 's boys were very soft when they first saw the pig because they did not want to disturb it when it was sleeping .
22 I , do n't mind being used as a guinea pig because I feel that it 'll help people in the future .
23 I think they really want to have a demonstration because it 's a trendy thing to do . ’
24 A little later , another customer complained about the employee because he had started a relationship with the customer 's wife .
25 This is a universal conception because it can be assumed that all societies and social groups possess , in some form or another , such common sense and practical knowledge .
26 I do not know of any Hellenistic evidence to show that a Gentile became a Jew or a sympathizer because he had read the Bible .
27 I can understand that fear because I was very frightened at first , I thought I 'd infected my husband and children .
28 Well this is my fear because I think oh God
29 Although well furnished , the annexe rooms , which led off from the rear of the bothy , lacked cosiness because they were so cold .
30 Mr Baker appointed him without interview because he had been impressed by Professor Stubbs 's publications on the importance of knowledge about language .
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