Example sentences of "[noun sg] could be " in BNC.

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1 Board secretary John Morris said : ‘ The Board 's main consideration was whether the title should remain on ice or whether this contest could be accepted for that championship .
2 Progress was slow into the wind and sea and some heavy spray and seas were shipped before shelter was reached and more speed could be made .
3 But in strong and blustery winds where the drift speed could be enough to drag the bait unnaturally sideways , it would be better to mount the bait head first ( fig 2 ) .
4 The chronic nature of the symptoms , the benign appearance of the gastric lesions on endoscopy , and the equivocal histological aspect of the lesions account for the fact that numerous MALT lymphomas were considered ‘ pseudolymphomas ’ until the monoclonal nature of the proliferation could be routinely shown by immunochemistry .
5 A cream blouse and skirt could be seen through the window .
6 Today she happened to be wearing the dress of violet-coloured wool which was the last thing Miss Statham had made for her — drifts of its full skirt could be seen at the front of her grey squirrel coat .
7 The San Jose Mercury News , which reported the story , citing documents filed this month with the US Securities & Exchange Commission , noted that it was unclear whether the settlement was triggered by an existing employment agreement or was offered by Santa Cruz in an attempt to get the case out of the way so the stock offering could be pursued without controversy .
8 The San Jose Mercury News , which reported the story last week citing documents filed this month with the US Securities and Exchange Commission , noted that it was unclear whether the settlement was triggered by an existing employment agreement or was offered by SCO in an attempt to get the case out of the way so the stock offering could be pursued without controversy .
9 Dropping hints that an initial public offering could be on the cards , the company pointed to figures showing that the majority of software start-ups make for an IPO at between $10m and $20m of venture funding : Neuron Data is capitalised at $16m .
10 A visit to the Ukrainian capital , Kiev , last weekend by Strobe Talbott , America 's ambassador-at-large to the former Soviet countries , brought hope that the rift could be mended .
11 ‘ I would wish that your deportment on a horse could be more that of a lady and less that of a farm waggoner , ’ she remarked spitefully .
12 He was upset that Daisy was gone , but the horse could be replaced .
13 The horse could be left at the local inn and its owner would soon come looking for it .
14 Nos. 36 and 51 , retained at Sutton for short workings , were transferred to Penge , as any car from that batch could be sent to Sutton at short notice when required .
15 A test ban would destabilise the nuclear balance because neither side could be sure what effect it was having on the other .
16 Once established , structured talk could be mastered with less thought .
17 Hence an important tool of management whose common usefulness could be judged by the essential partners to collaboration failed to provide what had appeared to be promised — and one says " appeared " because it may have been the wish of some college managers not to allow information by which their efficiency might be judged to become available to other parties .
18 During the two shorts months that it took to draft the White Paper , opposition could be quelled , using the new powers and wholehearted support given him by the Prime Minister .
19 When nobody from the long list of eminent organizations which had registered their opposition could be present , however ( which was most of the time ) , the burden of maintaining a presence and regular cross-examining was left to a few stalwarts .
20 When visiting the USA , she observed that ordinary living could be a reality .
21 Freight delivery times to the Continent could be reduced substantially by using rail transport through the Tunnel rather than road haulage to one of the North Sea ports although the degree of benefit is dependent on British Rail 's as yet unannounced charges for its new Continental freight services .
22 By and large , the occasions when the nobility might exploit a situation as cavalry and those when artillery could be used to best effect were not the same .
23 Timbmet 's solicitors will try to argue that because the wood was dead no harm could be caused by it 's sale .
24 Before darkness fell , and the attempt could be made , Edward 's heralds came back for their answer .
25 The Cabinet of Ministers would control CP property until the latter 's role in the August coup attempt could be determined .
26 An attempt could be made to reverse this by increasing the dietary intake of vitamin C , but we have shown in a region of Venezuela with a high incidence of gastric cancer that oral vitamin C supplementation alone is insufficient to increase gastric juice ascorbate concentrations in the presence of H pylori infection .
27 Mann said it could be done and Denega drove him to the chapel to see ‘ if the small cracks in the facade could be enlarged ’ .
28 Their frustration that they would always remain only a mummy could be challenged .
29 According to Dr Moore , speech recognition could be an important feature of future aircraft and it is believed to be under consideration for the European Fighter Aircraft .
30 PLO chairman Yasser Arafat said today that his mainstream Fatah faction approved a self-rule deal with Israel and mutual recognition could be only days away .
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