Example sentences of "[noun sg] come out " in BNC.

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1 I made an excuse to come out .
2 They were afraid of their shite to come out of the towns .
3 In the time-reversed case , the object emerges from the space-time singularity to come out through the horizon and attain an extended form ( Figure 1b ) .
4 He wanted his personal belief and his professional expertness to come out as a single attribute .
5 To the accompaniment of one of Alan Dell 's Big Band programmes Patrick told Peter Jennings about the murder and the theft of the letters , the switched bodies and his decision to come out to Romania and try to pick up the scent of John and Angela Bonnard .
6 He added : ‘ It seems a bit of a nonsense to struggle to provide a good service and then for compensation awarded by the Ombudsman to come out of the money provided for the work in the first place . ’
7 Obviously there are no simple solutions to a difficult relationship with a demanding parent , but it can often be kept ticking over on a mixture of kindness and firmness and a refusal on your part to come out of your corner for a fight every time she chooses to ring the bell .
8 ‘ The clearest , most unequivocal finding to come out of our social analysis is the singularity of the subjects in it . ’
9 ‘ Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths , but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs , that it may benefit those who listen . ’
10 ‘ It was a very big figure to come out with right at the death and probably did n't impress the institutions , ’ he added .
11 As he turned the door handle to enter the building he saw a storm-trooper come out of one of the side rooms .
12 They thought it normal for tea to come out of the fridge or the oven in a tinfoil box with a peel-back lid , although they did remember for weeks afterwards Lucy 's occasional cordon-bleu phases , when the house had been filled with heart-warming smells , and different kinds of food had appeared out of saucepans on top of the oven , and other dishes inside it .
13 She saw the short , powerful figure come out of the dark of the hall , to where she could examine his face in the light from the streetlamps .
14 A green Renault 18 , very travel-stained with grime on the windscreen except for the segments swept by the wipers , was the seventh private car to come out .
15 In a taped statement broadcast on two radio stations yesterday he said : ‘ I , David Koresh , agree upon the broadcasting of this tape to come out peacefully with all the people immediately . ’
16 When you have finished your conversation , thank it for its help , and see a shaft of light come out of the sky and illuminate this aspect of your Shadow .
17 Private steel companies sought injunctions against the Iron and Steel Trades Confederation who were calling on workers in the private sector of the steel industry to come out on strike to support workers in the public sector who were striking over pay .
18 Later on that day I was sent into the Corporals ' quarters with a mop and bucket and as I went in a Corporal came out buttoning his flies .
19 Anna 's reply came out as hardly more than a whisper .
20 Each time a drawing came out that looked ‘ all right ’ , he seethed with dissatisfaction , tore it up and started again .
21 After the ‘ Talk to Your Daughter ’ album came out , people started getting interested and so they started making the guitar again and people started buying it ! ’
22 When the ‘ Robert Johnson , Father of the Delta Blues ’ album came out , that was one of the main things that made me want to play slide .
23 It was n't until The Byrds ’ ‘ Untitled ’ double album came out with the liner notes explaining all about the string-bender that I found out what a fool I 'd been …
24 Then the album came out about six months later and there was no track — the track never made it to the album !
25 So I was completely depressed for a week and then Cher 's album came out and I 'm on that !
26 The first album came out and nothing happened ; we were n't sure whether to go on the road and everybody was very depressed .
27 ‘ After Brian 's album had been recorded , a tour had been tentatively planned , but to have a band sitting around doing nothing until the album came out was n't realistic .
28 Boxer came out from the nearby farmhouse carrying a bag of oats and waved .
29 The ninth bomber came out of a lightening sky at six o'clock exactly , and though she sat there for another hour , it was the last .
30 This interview came out of several inspirational talks we had in June and was highlighted by his brilliant summer lecture to the Art and Architecture Society .
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