Example sentences of "[noun sg] take [pron] " in BNC.

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1 The wind takes him away like a curtain snatch on a bad act .
2 Somewhere people are drumming — it must be at the far end of the village , because at times the rhythm is distinct but when the wind takes it it becomes muffled , merging with the roar of the full monsoon river .
3 The young man is coffined decently , his own priest takes him hence today to Upton , for burial among his people .
4 " If we do n't run into any trouble and the brook takes us through the wood , " he thought , " we really shall be clear of the warren and then we can look for somewhere to rest for a bit .
5 From time to time the press carries rumours of such enquiries , but they usually remain rumours unless legal action takes them into the public domain , because the DTI never comments or publishes the findings .
6 It is curious how he manages to make John Major sound about as animated and self-willed as a sack of potatoes.Ask him whether the PM takes his advice , and you get a similar impression .
7 This episode takes him across Western Turkey and the Mediterranean , on to Greece , and Rhodes ( where he meets astrologer Patric Walker ) before hitting Africa in the shape of Egypt and Luxor .
8 This is partly because structuralist poetics are part of a wider semiological venture , and partly because any distinctiveness ascribed to literature in structuralist thinking takes it right back to linguistics ; for the element that constitutes ‘ literature 's Being ’ and its ‘ very world ’ ( Barthes 1970 ) is simply language itself .
9 Fine Arts Brass Ensemble takes its name from the University 's Barber Institute of Fine Arts , where the group had its first rehearsal in 1980 .
10 Without this first step there is no beginning , and every subsequent step in the search takes one further but always in the same direction .
11 The professor takes you into the world of portable computing explaining how to make the most of your walk-about P.C. The program is basically a collection of text files with an easy to use reader .
12 Here our itinerary takes us along the new section of the road , rather surprisingly signposted to Fort William , and brings us to the first railway so far seen , at Strathcarron Station .
13 In the region of the brain between the mushroom bodies are four small ocellar centres from each of which an ocellar nerve takes its origin .
14 A runaway horse takes her to her ancestral home , and her past unfolds .
15 This movie takes us where no other Holywood film has .
16 Sex on Sweeney 's cannibal isle is said to be a business of being ‘ bored ’ , but the horror of the perception takes it out of mere ‘ boredom ’ , which was killing the Melanesians and , Eliot thought , the modern world .
17 Much of the work evaluated in this chapter takes us a long way towards identifying mechanisms for triggering the need for investment , screening the proposals and defining them .
18 ‘ Every idea which is held in the mind takes its origin from the senses … [ it ] either comes through the senses , or is formed from those which come through the senses . ’
19 A small detour takes you down to Caniço de Baixa or Ponta da Oliveira where there is a small modern development ( mainly owned by Germans ) .
20 ‘ The physical thing with the feedback takes its toll on you when you play really loud .
21 Each side takes it in turn to bat .
22 Britain 's solar powered car takes its place in the sun .
23 But now everyone who has a car takes it out .
24 The tér is in fact a busy roundabout from behind which a cable car takes you up on to Castle Hill and the ancient fortress area of Buda .
25 Mountain lifts : The Valluga Peak cable car takes you to 9,220 ft and a magnificent view .
26 A cable car takes you from nearby Ehrwald to the Zugspitzkamm station at 9,203 feet which has been partly blasted out of the rock .
27 Every sales consultant has covered the basics ; they have been given the tools for success ; the Super Sales Grit ingredient takes you to where no sales-person has previously thought to go .
28 Cos he would maybe , you see you 've got ta say now , would that fella take anything from me for er you know helping me if he 's decent and he wo n't then you help him .
29 Declining to lie , she let the priest take her home , planning to swear the maid to secrecy and slip out of the back door again as soon as he had gone .
30 His head came down and his mouth took hers , not gentle now but fierce and demanding .
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