Example sentences of "[noun sg] say there " in BNC.

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1 Sporting names from past and present say there 's been no-one else to match the magic of Stan .
2 The Association says there was no reason for them not to be rented out .
3 Marsden says there is more change , more uncertainty , than at any time in his 33 years in the fertilizer business .
4 Nuclear Electric says there is no safety risk although it would want to prevent leaks within the reactor containment .
5 The area was cleaned and Nuclear Electric says there was no danger to staff or members of the public .
6 The translator says there was no food for us , we had to cross the border and come to Afghanistan .
7 But the opposition says there are no spending commitments and no tough action ; Shadow Environment Secretary , Brian Gould says this is because Chris Patten lost the crucial battles in Cabinet .
8 The FMCG study says there are four key preconditions for eagle acquisitions .
9 A spokesman for the Lord Chancellor 's Department said there would be wide consultation before any restrictions on the right of appeal .
10 A source at the news and current affairs department said there was ‘ understandable distress in the BBC ’ .
11 The lawyer said there was no evidence that it was a loan and not a gift .
12 The DoT said there was as much traffic in three days in the Dover Strait as there was in a year in the Fair Isle Straits , where the Braer came to grief .
13 On the more nebulous issue of value for money of George Street Research said there was clear evidence , of which the opening quotation forms only a part , that clients do not know what goes into a piece of legal work to justify the fee , other than the fact that the job is done .
14 Key said there was untapped potential for cycle use to grow if the road environment is to be made more friendly .
15 the computer says there was some and there is n't any .
16 It has n't been picked up on Unless the computer says there 's a suff It may be
17 Your sister says there was some game you played with Terry Place .
18 Mum says there are some round there in Golden Black if you want to come and see them .
19 Mum , mum says there is
20 After the war the military organised a big cleanup in the forest — and the ministry of defence says there 's no reason to believe that any buried weapons still remain .
21 Thailand 's health ministry says there are about 80,000 prostitutes in the country ; the police reckon there are at least eight times that number .
22 ‘ The gipsy says there 's another young single lady in the room .
23 Still to come , Conservatives on Oxfordshire County Council say there wo n't need to be cuts in services to stay within next year 's Government budget estimate .
24 The National Children 's Home says there are thousands of young people like Sarah , struggling to survive because government benefits are inadequate .
25 John Yearley his coach says there 's no reason why Carl ca n't achieve great things and they 're looking towards a medal at the next olympics
26 The council says there 's not enough waste left to justify a weekly collection , and wants to introduce a fortnightly service .
27 The council says there 's nothing they can do about it because Vodaphone do n't need planning permission .
28 Langbaurgh council says there will not be as many entertainments as usual during the final gala day on Sunday August 16 .
29 Meanwhile , Labour 's John Power , who 's head of planning on the city council says there are major problems to overcome :
30 The law says there are no such things as lesbians .
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