Example sentences of "[noun sg] but his " in BNC.

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1 He had no language for his sense of exile but his music , which would not be transmitted .
2 There seemed to be no blood but his legs were strangely wide apart .
3 A hospital source said : ‘ He 's lost a lot of blood but his life is not in danger . ’
4 Turning to a school photograph next to the oak coffin , he added : ‘ We look into his eyes on that wonderful photograph but his eyes are still .
5 Rob Andrew joins the 50 cap club but his selection is a harsh blow to Stuart Barnes , England B 's most outstanding player at Bristol on Saturday .
6 Kelly also looked good at taking on the opposition but his final shot was appalling .
7 The loss of full-back Robertson would leave Rangers short in that department but his hamstring injury does not lend itself to the taking of risks .
8 2 days before his death the chaplain expressed concern about F 's suicidal state of mind but his family were assured by staff that he was being properly cared for .
9 In 1932 US Navy Admiral Harry Yarnell was commanding a fleet of some 199 ships on manoeuvres west of Panama in the Pacific ; previously he had added his voice to the concern of Oahu 's vulnerability but his warnings went unheeded .
10 No greeting but his own accursed name and empty ‘ watermarked derision .
11 Unfortunately General Gordon was killed before its completion but his two sisters lived there for forty years .
12 His dreams had come back after many nights which had seemed as empty as death , dreams of walking between high hedges , it was daylight on the other side of them but gloaming where he was and thick earth rose up to his knees , to his waist , stopping him , he tried to open his mouth but his jaw-bones jammed , he was choking …
13 Sophie 's heart sank a little as she saw the grim line of his mouth but his eyes at first showed open admiration as they swept over her .
14 He had fought cancer of the tongue for almost two years before his wedding but his condition had gradually deteriorated .
15 He was hitting huge distances down wind but his shots to the green failed to bite and often rolled on into the rough beyond .
16 He had n't meant any harm but his few words had set her against him .
17 As I 've just said , Herod did not intend to kill John the Baptist but his wife , Herodias , did .
18 Swod allowed himself a quarter smile at her recognition but his body was so unused to this display of emotion that he began to cough .
19 The Peace Committee cited not only his religious work but his ‘ struggle for the liberation of Tibet ’ .
20 It was a tradition that Edwin should frame all my father 's work but his death made that impossible in this instance so Francis returned the picture . ’
21 cummings is the most completely typical poet — cummings " grammar and syntax don " t work but his poetry does .
22 Gossip put nothing of himself to the test but his patience .
23 He has been hobdayed and had a tie-back but his wind is not that good , even now .
24 She tried to shake herself free of his grasp but his hold tightened .
25 The fact that John had handed over the reins of power to Miss Doris and Mr Smith seemed a great honour but his stipulation that they should keep and maintain the name and reputation of the business so long as it was possible to do so proved a massive task for them in later years .
26 Lee 's excitingly edgy guitar occasionally manages to break through the murk but his brother Robert 's thin vocals are lost in the unrelenting din .
27 His forehead was ripped dark in the starlight but his cheekbones still gleamed ( an image superimposed : the sunset slanting over him as he grinned at her in the freighter ) the way she remembered .
28 And , under not a dish but his pillow , folded into his pyjamas : ‘ How 's the bite Bob , sorry but you did ask for it sweetie . ’
29 James , a £1.3million signing from Watford , looked set for a long run but his mistakes have persuaded Souness to take him out of the spotlight .
30 We ahd a couple of chances — Wallace made a good run but his finishing ( always a bit suspect ) let him down .
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