Example sentences of "[noun sg] they know " in BNC.

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1 I remember being thrilled when I got the first whicker of recognition from my horse and most people feel happier and more confident riding a horse they know — even if it is n't well behaved !
2 And each car they knew where they were did n't they ?
3 It takes a load off their mind they know who the new owners are going to be .
4 This prompted an unusually animated argument between counsel and the judge , who was clearly outraged at what he expressly called the crass incompetence of the Crown Prosecution Service in serving and making part of the prosecution case a witness they knew would support the defendant and then seeking to discontinue when predictably he did just that .
5 Just our own lighting plant and the hens would even come out and meet you in the dark they knew knew you were coming .
6 MI5 never replied , GCHQ expressed polite and emphatically arm 's length interest , and the CIA offered help , exhibits and the information that the only other museum of spying they know of is in Havana .
7 So on the rare occasions they did report themselves in a State of Readiness they knew an Agile Blade was likely .
8 The only experience of collectivization there 'd been was the Soviet one and they seemed to have known at least something about the Soviet , they knew it involved a lot of force they knew that if you were going to collect you were going to collectivize you needed the mechaniz well they thought that you needed the mechanization first and they knew that they d A they did n't have the capacity for that mechanization they did n't want to use force I mean i it would , i it would have been very dangerous , would n't it , to go back to the countryside collectivization .
9 I knew about them because of being at art college and I took Steve and Paul down with me and introduced them to a scene they knew nothing about .
10 There 's another story with a happy ending they know , not just from Serafine ; it 's traditional in their family , and in the history books in which the Everards have a mention .
11 Here these Cornish sappers dedicated themselves to the work they knew best , digging defensive trenches and building parapets as well as blowing up houses blocking the range of the gunnery .
12 they know the play , they know the er act they know the whole thing
13 Mrs Pember Reeves found that housewives in Lambeth were reluctant to move away and forego the help they knew to be available in times of need , for neighbourliness implied reciprocity .
14 Despite her criticism of their dancing they knew she cared for them and always stepped in in any family crisis :
15 Because both Rogers and Thomas had seen Share My Lettuce they knew he would be good for the part of the supercilious National Serviceman .
16 Some of our precious time spent at Low Birk Hatt is taken up by a steady stream of Hannah 's admirers , making a pilgrimage to a place they know so well from the television programmes and books .
17 Jim 's Cafe is the cosiest place they know .
18 It was a sound they knew , one often heard at night from within the dark walls of the cottages in the village , but out here it was around them and with them and part of them and it had an eerie quality as though inside the vixen some diabolic spirit was entrapped , a demon screeching its despair .
19 then know what I do the result is what I do I 'm not doing my job they know
20 And as a Warsaw Pact leader they know him more intimately in the Kremlin than in the West .
21 He was aware that a captain with a record such as his has a big advantage , since any troops will respond better to a leader they know has been through the fire himself , and so he knew just what he could ask of his bowlers .
22 They know who the flaming they know who the groom is !
23 When they go into that business they know what they 're doing . ’
24 Peters and Waterman found the excellent companies were those that kept to the business they knew best .
25 The progression from selling records by mail-order to retailing in shops , to running a record label , studios , publishing company — all was perfectly logical and obvious , allowing Branson and his colleagues to expand in the business they knew best .
26 Furthermore one can perhaps see the solution to which Tolkien , in his philological way , was drawn , namely to present the First Age as ‘ a complex of divergent texts interlinked by commentary ’ ( UT , p. 1 ) , the texts themselves being supposedly written by Men , of different periods , looking back across the ages to vast rumours of whose truth they knew only part .
27 Both of them were very good friends , and since their respective demises had come together they decided to start their own small company , specialising in the product they knew best — traditional , woven , good quality , Axminster carpets .
28 ‘ It needs a born Highlander to understand aright our Scottish Highlanders ’ , goes on JTR , ‘ and to gather from them all the lore they know , so as to give us pictures that will live on in after ages .
29 Dorothy explained that they had n't given her any money ; she was here as a reporter for a journal whose name they knew ; her membership of the feminist abortion campaign to which PopCon had just made a large grant was irrelevant to the present discussion ; she was just doing her job .
30 Solarz , the name they know elsewhere
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