Example sentences of "[noun sg] he [prep] " in BNC.

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1 And she 'd wheel him from from their house right up to the station .
2 There had n't been time to get Maxim 's name on the usual notice of forthcoming visitors to the embassy ; she had been signalled by the Security Service who shared the Steering Committee 's deep distrust of the visit and wanted her to debrief him after his meeting .
3 He was seeking advice with regard to the Council 's refusal to rehouse him in suitable ground floor accommodation .
4 They wound him in a cloak to pinion him from struggling , and twisted folds of the cloth hard round his mouth .
5 We 'll blackball him for a start
6 In order to cajole him into accepting the role , the British tandem of Peter Yates and John Mortimer were asked to fly out from London to Philadelphia , where the play was trying out .
7 That 's what Keith 's talking about , when he sails his aeroplane he onto a boat
8 Although Charlie was still thin — now a flyweight — and not all that tall , once his seventeenth birthday had come and gone he noticed that the ladies on the corner of the Whitechapel Road , who were still placing white feathers on anyone wearing civilian clothes who looked as if they might be between the ages of eighteen and forty , were beginning to eye him like impatient vultures .
9 Lewis reached his third Test fifty before edging a flowery drive , and Salisbury recovered from an excruciating blow on the box from Waqar to bang him through the covers and generally give the impression that he might soon be worth a sport higher than No. 9 in the order .
10 Though approaching early middle age , on the outbreak of the last world war he at once abandoned his pursuits for active service and very hard service it was to be .
11 But for the last two years of the war he at least had something to do .
12 When Simon stopped and began to bombard him with questions about home , Quinn had a chance to have a look at the youth .
13 But the qualifications were elastic ; anyone who could ‘ live without manuell labour , and thereto is able and will beare the port , charge , and countenance of a gentleman , he shall for monie haue a cote and armes bestowed vpon him by heralds and therevnto being made so good cheape be called master and reputed for a gentleman euer after ’ .
14 As he did so , he was all too aware of the ache and stiffness in his injured arm and leg , threatening to handicap him in any confrontation with an enemy .
15 Well , it is summertime and if you have trouble getting time on the courts here in town and tripping to the Hamptons presents a problem why not simply go to Terry Dintenfass where the witty William King he of the loopy lanky aluminoids has set up a gallery-wide installation called ‘ Tennis : The Monument ’ ?
16 He judged Asquith 's sense of probity correctly-meeting him in the Travellers ' Club later , the Liberal leader said ‘ You have done quite right . ’
17 Kennedy immediately called together a special Executive Committee ( the " Ex Comm " ) to advice him on the handling of the crisis .
18 If it is windy Tracey will not risk taking him on the roads , and instead exercises him in the school , but she never jumps him .
19 Mr was unable to produce his documents in relation to the vehicle which he indicated was his own and he was therefore given an H R T one to produce those documents but you will appreciate from the matters that he 's pleaded pleaded guilty to this morning he in fact , failed to produce his insurance driving licence and test certificate within the required period .
20 They was wiv 'im in the office fer over an hour .
21 Also present at these meetings in various London clubs and restaurants were representatives from employers ' organizations , who recognized that to influence the Policy Unit was to influence the Prime Minister : if a minister proved unavailable , unsympathetic or intractable , they could outmanoeuvre him by enlisting Policy Unit support .
22 No one was within earshot , they were miles from anywhere , it seemed , and even if she jumped in the river and swam for it the chance that she would outmanoeuvre him in the water was slim .
23 When a barrister comes to address your University or College law society , you can beard him on the subject .
24 He received from one of those organisations , the Board of Guardians , food , clothing , a little money to tide him over the worst first weeks , and the address of a family who would provide a room and warmth .
25 It was Willans who advised Rolt 's parents to apprentice him as a mechanical engineer , and it was with great enthusiasm that in 1926 the boy left Cheltenham College , which had been a miserable experience for him , to serve as a pupil at Bomfords , an agricultural engineering firm at Pitchill near Evesham .
26 Meanwhile , Texan billionaire Ross Perot , who is predicting a ‘ silent majority ’ will catapult him to the White House , went to rally the faithful in his Dallas home town .
27 Then , waving aloft a sheaf of papers , he uttered the famous lie that was to catapult him into the limelight for four years : ‘ I have here in my hand a list of 205 names that were made known to the Secretary of State as being members of the Communist Party and who nevertheless are still working and shaping policy in the State Department . ’
28 Anything too technical might catapult him into orbit again .
29 BERNHARD Langer stands between Ulster 's David Feherty and the victory which could spectacularly catapult him into the Ryder Cup .
30 BERNHARD Langer stands between Ulster 's David Feherty and the victory which could spectacularly catapult him into the Ryder Cup .
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