Example sentences of "[noun sg] i know " in BNC.

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1 A scientist I know is amazed how often his eight year-old son can see immediately through a tangle of ideas in a problem — the directness and uncomplicatedness and openness of the child is a huge asset which many adults have lost .
2 Meeting Jack in his butch horn-rims gave me a feeling of intense familiarity , and the first time we banged glasses together in mid-kiss I knew it was sight at first love .
3 But in any divorce settlement I know with myself
4 I suddenly remember a nifty trick I know , and turn my mirror- and her reflection in it — a ghoulish purple .
5 I exercised all the patience I could muster , trying every trick I knew of to get a performance out of Monty .
6 She said : ‘ Because I was a midwife I knew what was happening in my body so I was able to rationalise it , but it was still a shock . ’
7 She said : ‘ Because I was a midwife I knew what was happening in my body so I was able to rationalise it , but it was still a shock .
8 ‘ Better than one story I know , about a baby who cried at every meal .
9 I did not like recipes ; in any case I knew how to cook what my husband liked perfectly well without them .
10 Just say that 's what you set out to do , to stick with me in case I knew something , and that when the mission was accomplished , you brought him home . ’
11 In one case I know of , two friends resolved to escape because they had heard their parents ‘ scheming ’ of such marriages in the near future .
12 I greeted him with the age-old aphorism : ‘ Those who can , do ; those who ca n't , teach ; and those who ca n't teach become administrators — in your case I know whether that is true ’ .
13 In this case I know what I 'm talking about .
14 In my own case I know that the first link produces the last through the intermediate link , and could not produce it without .
15 Er one case I know he , he 's so well known amongst the old lads er he used to give you so many sums to do each day and I think it was four or five long division .
16 A nut case I know exactly how you feel .
17 After 24 hours of freedom I knew no one was going to lock me up again
18 My own specimen is in tropical conditions but I have seen young specimens for sale in a tank along with Sterlet and medium-sized Orandas and a retailer I know has told me that he has a customer with an extremely large ( 12″ ) Asiaticus kept in totally cold water with common Goldfish .
19 Like the driver I knew where we were going without being told .
20 ‘ I remember how ‘ Monsewer ’ Eddie Gray used to do a sketch about diving into a letterbox , while one of the funniest people was a taxi driver I knew who used to put a mask on and squirt people with a water pistol .
21 Ah that Shady Lane I know
22 M. I know what you are .
23 ‘ I was rather wondering , Uncle , ’ he smiled at the man who had kept a fatherly eye on him from the age of ten , ‘ how you felt about serving some of that excellent champagne I know you have in your cellar . ’
24 As an auditionee I knew I worked best if I attempted something outrageous so I prepared Lord Foppington from The Relapse and you just have to let go with his Lordship otherwise there 's no point to it .
25 I 'm gon na get stir crazy not being able to play badminton I know , and I score , it 's gon na drive me crazy
26 On one level I knew that Robert had been unfaithful to Lili and on another I knew that he could n't possibly have been .
27 She prefers er far prefers gas cooking I know , but
28 It 's the only bit I know .
29 Mum I know Julia 's trying to find out I need n't go to school on Thursday so I can have a lie in
30 Of course mum , mum I know , I know another
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