Example sentences of "[noun sg] in her " in BNC.

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1 She wondered what they were saying about her , up at the top of the house , as she undressed and laid her clothes out before sliding under the duvet in her underwear .
2 Roots had split the ground in places , and the thickest of these jarred the Toyota so hard that Diane had an uneasy vision of the entire truck falling apart as every spot-weld gave at once , leaving her sitting in the driver 's seat with the steering wheel in her hands and nothing but open air all around .
3 She clutched the soft sponge in her palm , feathery with water and soap .
4 She did n't attempt to hide the look of disappointment in her eyes .
5 When she paused in her work and turned to look at him , he saw the disappointment in her dark eyes .
6 He saw the sudden disappointment in her face , the flash of a scowl across her eyes .
7 For one thing , she knew very little of the Empress 's plans and had sensed Ypres 's disappointment in her replies .
8 A tingling fire of lust coursed from its counterpoint in her forefinger .
9 The kindness in her voice avoided unspoken criticism and commiseration , " Let me , " in a moment her quick fingers had Nicandra 's gardenia and its drift of green spray firmly in place .
10 It was a landmark in her life .
11 After the Ken Noakes episode in her life , she had never allowed anyone to come so close to her .
12 FIERY actress Tatum O'Neal is to star as a killer in her first TV series since splitting with tennis ace John McEnroe .
13 As Area Manager Martin Ellis said ‘ Adele has accomplished a great deal in her current position of Area Field Biologist , not least in her QA work carried out in the last two years , her Mouse-Alert sales and the careful co-ordination of Sentinel contracts ’ .
14 She wrote a great deal in her Diary at this time , chiefly about Gran , about how clever she was and how beautiful she had been when she was young .
15 There was a humorous light in her keen black eyes that seemed somehow warm and welcoming .
16 But now she had an air of confidence a bloom on her skin , a light in her eyes .
17 By contrast , the eyes showed light in her thin face .
18 There was a light in her dark eyes that Julia could not remember seeing before her illness and yet there was sadness too .
19 Her skin acquired a glow , there was a new light in her eyes and her mood of happiness was infectious .
20 Allied Breweries brands marketing controller Liz Morgan agrees with Karsten 's marketing synopsis but naturally replaces Clausthaler with Allied 's Swan Light in her list of survivors .
21 There was the pain of light in her eyes and far off voices whose words were incomprehensible .
22 ‘ I 've asked her to think over her position , including her story about seeing a light in her brother 's office from the kitchen this morning .
23 Even now he hungered for her again , seeing the light in her hair , the length of her leg under the robe .
24 ‘ Is that an order or a question ? ’ she asked , the mischievous light in her eyes fading as she saw the anxiety mirrored in his .
25 A hard light in her eyes , she drew back her arm and hit him as hard as she could across the face .
26 She needed every scrap of self-confidence she could rustle up , she thought , then grinned crookedly at the wary light in her eyes reflected by the glass .
27 While he went up to the bar to order , Ellie settled back in her seat , and , with a rather sad light in her eyes , watched him .
28 Confused by the light in her eyes and the constant chattering of their host , Isabel found herself ushered into the house before she could correct the man 's assumption that she was fitzAlan 's lady .
29 Cocoa butter is now an important ingredient in her skin-care products , for example .
30 Polly 's heart pounded like a hammer in her ears .
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