Example sentences of "[noun sg] that can " in BNC.

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1 I believe that the creation of the universe and all that that involves , is still a mystery and forms no part of the conception of a god and a corresponding religion that can fulfil the human need .
2 A ‘ god ’ and corresponding religion that can serve the human need , must be produced by mankind itself , that is , the ‘ god ’ must be created by life and man 's intelligence , not life created by ‘ god ’ .
3 The process demonstrates both response to external pressure and the action that can be taken between companies which are both based in industrialised ( and therefore interdependent ) countries .
4 Game theory , in general , postulates a set of ‘ players ’ ( the ‘ interested parties ’ , be they individuals or groups ) , each of whom has a set of strategies ; strategies meaning courses of action that can be taken , which may be conditional on moves made by the others .
5 If the seller does not fulfil this task , the buyer 's right to cancel is extended indefinitely or until he takes action that can be construed as accepting the agreement .
6 The political emphasis for these and other initiatives has been crucial to a Conservative government set on a course of action that can best be described by the phrase ‘ small is beautiful ’ .
7 I support the Bill , because anything that can add to the action that can be taken against car thieves is welcome .
8 It shows the close association that can exist between organic chemical synthesis and clay surfaces .
9 HyperSoft Europe Ltd , Hassocks , West Sussex , says the Alan Cohen Consultancy Ltd AL/1 pack it markets as Application Browser is not a Cobol-to-C converter , but a code analyser and transformer that can prepare Cobol programs for migration from any system ( CI No 2,103 ) .
10 These figures vary , as they are bound to do , with differences in types of books stocked , binding policies , local circumstances , and — especially — the size of local bookfunds and therefore the minimum physical standard of stock that can be fixed pragmatically by each authority .
11 Each box comes bundled with MS-DOS and Microsoft Corp Windows , but options include an on-board 50-pin SCSI 2 host adaptor and cable for extra storage or use of CD-ROM for multimedia applications ; and a network card that can be plugged into a 16-bit network adaptor socket .
12 There are also two proprietary slots — one for a full-length processor card , the other for a 256Mb memory card that can take the system total to a whopping 384Mb .
13 Appeal to ecclesiastical censure as a way of explaining the misfortunes of scientific theories is a card that can be overplayed .
14 Notice that some are capable of non-interlaced operation which gives a virtually flicker free display but you also need a video card that can work with non-interlaced SVGA .
15 1.1 The overall goal of this investigation is to argue that there is a very great deal that can be said , that has not yet been said , about the semantic value of fundamental syntactic relations .
16 This is not an experiment that can ever be done , although some people assume that certain remote and isolated faunas , such as those of Australia and Madagascar , can be treated as if they were ancient , as if a trip to Australia were like a trip backwards in a time machine .
17 But the underdogs in this north London derby believe their third round victory over Bristol on Saturday , is the omen that can turn about their season .
18 It was the darkness of the blind ; a blackness that can almost be felt .
19 Most important , the formal statistical reasoning that can be applied to a-priori hypotheses is strictly invalid for exploratory analysis .
20 ‘ The popular image of Satan is of this great evil force that can destroy anything , ’ explained a satanist adorned with the title of High Priest of the Northern Order of the Prince .
21 Dover is now proposing a third force that can genetically transform a species ; transforming not because of the external forces of selection or drift , but from within .
22 If you 've never had a day 's illness in your life , it 's hard to imagine the financial disruption that can be caused by sudden hospitalisation .
23 About these polarities hang the varying states of consciousness that can and do arise ( see Chapter ii ) .
24 In his Brainstorms , Dennett set out to : ‘ … sketch a theory of consciousness that can be continuous with and help unify current cognitivist theories of perception , problem solving and language use ’ ( Dennett 1979 : 149 ) .
25 Not only does it hamstring itself by trying to please all nations , it also attempts to appeal to a mythical European consciousness that can not exist in the continent whose countries have spent centuries ever more jealously defining their national characteristics .
26 In much of his fiction , early and late , Waugh turns from comedy to the haunting thought of a lost Eden ; and in a nation that had once been the first industrial civilisation that can only mean a pastoral world .
27 Offering the richest purse on the Tour — with a $50,000 first prize — this is a mobile contest that can take its pick among the numerous world-class waves of the North Shore .
28 I shall go into greater detail than my right hon. and learned Friend the Member for Monklands , East had a chance to do on the kinds of investment that can be produced , rather than the consumption boom which the Chancellor hopes for .
29 There is more to be said against the probabilistic analysis of our conception of causation that can or needs to be said here .
30 ‘ Does n't the Prime Minister realise that she is the only person in this whole shameful episode that ca n't make the excuse that I was only obeying orders , because she was the person giving the orders — and the orders are tyrannical . ’
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