Example sentences of "[noun sg] that she " in BNC.

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1 Tallis was prompted by this insult into an action that she knew she would regret .
2 Er as you can see , the wrist action that she does is very difficult erm stressful , we do it many times a day .
3 I glanced at Lili thinking that she must know and would somehow reveal what was disturbing him .
4 But suddenly all that rational thinking that she had been clinging to all night was gone , gone in a puff of smoke , gone in one long and loud roll of thunder .
5 And it were n't hurting him at all but it was making her feel sick thinking that she was hurting him like .
6 But verily , for that lawless coronation that she made , she shall be most firmly enclosed in a dwelling of stone and iron , made like a crown , and at Berwick be hung up in the open air , that she may be given , in life and after death , for a gazing-stock and an everlasting scorn to those who pass by . ’
7 It would have been just like her to take a method like this to exact a petty revenge for their disagreements , landing Folly with a pile of unwanted stock that she could n't refuse without souring relations with her supplier .
8 One of the Great Danes was simultaneously clambering into my lap , trying to get all four legs fitted into the available footage , under the delusion that she was some other size .
9 Her eyes strayed to the card that she still held in her hand and she almost started as she saw , written in plain bold print , a name that had featured with such regularity recently in the headlines of the business section of the local newspaper that she could not fail to recognise it .
10 It was a continuation of her misguided perception that she was a world power and had to protect her Commonwealth and maintain an independent presence in the world .
11 The Church appeared no longer to be the guiding force that she believed it once had been , and felt it ought still to be .
12 It was a force that she tried to hide away tidily , as her mother would have done , because it was a dark and hideous thing that shook her violently .
13 When he released her it was with such force that she almost fell to the floor .
14 All the while , Piers hovered in the background , not saying a word , like some dark , dangerous force that she could turn her back on but could n't quite manage to ignore .
15 He came to vibrant life , grasping her arms with such force that she cried out .
16 It was a foolish thing to do , she knew that a fraction of a second too late ; he cannoned into her with such force that she fell heavily to the ground .
17 Abruptly , the sensations she 'd felt that night in St Lucia , when they 'd come so close to making love , engulfed her with such force that she felt weak at the knees .
18 It is to facilitate the translation of the dramas of sub-conversation and activity below the surface of consciousness that she abandons the conventions of linear narrative , normal chronology , plot and characterization .
19 He looked vaguely at her , and quickly and intently at his watch ; but at least he had returned to the consciousness that she was present .
20 A bedroom that she had known for at least ten of her seventeen years .
21 Maybe , I thought , Ash would be so turned on by the sounds of frantic coupling emanating from Gav and Aunt Janice in the bedroom that she 'd tear my clothes off .
22 One last kiss , then Kate was left alone in the small bedroom that she used when she came home .
23 He was irritated by a piece of smut on her cheek and started to wipe it off , and then pretended he had been stroking her , because he saw her distress at an emotion that she had guessed with her usual impossible correctness .
24 The hoarse foreign words held such a depth of emotion that she pulled back to stare into his eyes .
25 His reply was so matter-of-fact , so lacking in emotion that she found it hard to believe .
26 It seems to be saying that the Queen of Hell , separating from the Sacred Bride/Divine Mother , becoming the Boar , fusing with Adonis , transforming him to Tarquin , and then destroying the Sacred Bride/Divine Mother under the illusion that she is the Queen of Hell , is the perpetuum mobile of the Equation . ’
27 The illusion that she was a spectator , and this was the play , was making her lose touch with reality ; and making her forget the enormity of her present predicament .
28 In addition it is clear from the transcript that she , very naturally , attached great importance to the fact that she knew the staff at the unit , had two friends there and , perhaps even more important , had a great bond with a lady who was assisting in her treatment .
29 ‘ And the allegation that she had been disloyal to anyone was very firmly refuted . ’
30 In this sense , the definition of standards and routines can be seen as a defensive process : the housewife is defending herself against the allegation that she does nothing at all .
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