Example sentences of "[noun sg] and for " in BNC.

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1 He wanted to settle , once and for all , the question of whether Riddle had made his last journey inside the Wheel and for that reason he was resolved to have it closely examined by an expert .
2 An alderman of Leeds in 1858–68 , he was mayor in 1860–1 , as well as being a magistrate for Leeds borough and for the West Riding of Yorkshire .
3 The other , hand-written , was similar : ‘ Lib Dem supporter voting Labour to kick Tory out in Croydon NW and for electoral reform . ’
4 None can work well in isolation and for that reason it is reassuring that the CBI , in pressing its case for the TECs to be the local regulators of vocational training , stresses the importance of the young person 's ( and the adult worker 's ) " personal file " , building on the existing good practice of records of achievement in schools .
5 In 1816 , the year Davy 's lamp was introduced , J. H. H. Holmes , a mining inspector , published a book containing ‘ accounts of the explosions from fire damp which have occurred for the last 20 years ; their causes and the means proposed for their remedy and for general improvements of the mining systems by new methods of ventilation . ’
6 Let us pray for … our King 's most excellent majesty and for … our Prince , that most angelic imp .
7 As events unfolded and the Library Association failed to act it is to be viewed as a piece of misfortune for the Code , and hence the Association and for the profession .
8 Regular spot checks for specific-lesson truancy and for pupils leaving school before the end of the school day
9 In the absence of transporters , most HLA class I molecules are devoid of the peptides necessary for stable assembly of the class I heavy chain with β 2 - microglobulin and for expression at the cell surface .
10 I know we 've argued all these years and I 've been irritable , if not downright rude , but … but … ’ and Creggan was astonished to see that this fiercest of eagles was suddenly close to a profound grief and for a few moments quite unable to say anything more .
11 There will be a time provision for the sell-off of current stock and for the headstock modification of certain G&L instruments . ’
12 The system , which is also used for the borrowing and lending of stock and for the pledging of stock as collateral for short-term loans , has proved popular and , by late-1991 , some 70% of all outstanding gilt-edged stock was held in accounts with the CGO .
13 The infusion alone can be taken internally ( sweetened with honey ) and is good for the complexion , poor circulation and for ulcers .
14 What , if any , additional accounts need to be opened in the second year to cope with the fact that the business is now a partnership and for what reason are they needed ?
15 The table also indicates the increasing importance of the large areas of open water created by gravel extraction and for reservoirs to wintering surface-feeding species .
16 I was fortunate to be able to include in addition to my own account a lecture by the former Lord Justice Devlin in which he took the fourth Appeal Court severely to task for the illogicality of its reasoning and for usurping the functions of the jury , and a chapter by Bryan Magee about his efforts over the years to try to persuade the Home Office to reopen Cooper 's case .
17 The child was allowed into the bedroom and for two hours she watched her father die .
18 In fact , we would encourage their use at traffic lights to catch red light jumpers , outside schools for excessive speed and for other such criminal acts of stupidity .
19 He applied to be joined in the proceedings as a defendant and for a stay of the possession order .
20 But this ca n't be seen — it is n't obvious — a child can become the subject of ridicule and for a sensitive and intelligent child this can be sheer hell .
21 The malaria group has facilities for culturing the parasite and for containment of infected mosquitoes , and the University is a WHO Collaborative Centre for research in malaria .
22 These days the word ‘ tourist ’ is generally associated with the package holiday-maker who follows a known itinerary and for whom all the arrangements are made by a travel company .
23 The principle of analogy will provide a reasonably secure framework for interpretation for the hearer and for the analyst most of the time .
24 For some skin conditions , such as eczema-related spots , doctors may prescribe a tar shampoo , and this can be very effective , both for scalp flakiness and for your skin .
25 Charles has already achieved notoriety in the world of science for extracting the genes from a piece of frozen mammoth and for embarking on a trip to Mongolia in search of the long-eared hedgehog .
26 This is a condition brought about by the combined effect of evolution and civilisation and for everyone it is quite unavoidable .
27 A gratified chairman of the England Committee registers his pleasure at the result and for the facts that good sportsmanship prevailed and England fielded some young players successfully .
28 Less than a month later , at the beginning of March 1757 , Miller wrote a letter , now held by the Historical Society of Pennsylvania , reporting that promised specimens of Crataegus had not arrived and could not be included in the current edition of the Dictionary ; he repeated his request for Gale asplenii-folio and for all sorts of lilies and Andromeda .
29 He wore an expression of abject defeat and for a short moment my attention moved away from my own troubles and I felt sorry for him .
30 During Hart 's time the responsibilities of the customs had been concerned only with the collection of duties and the prevention of smuggling ; Chinese officials were responsible for banking the revenue and for its use in the service of loans and other financial obligations to foreign governments for which it was security .
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