Example sentences of "[noun sg] be only " in BNC.

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1 Fortunately this is usually true , but there are occasions when the commercial instincts of the USA or their sensitivity to political lobbying are only too apparent .
2 The final contents of the budget are only revealed to the Cabinet the day before the Chancellor presents it to the House of Commons , when it is too late for any major changes .
3 Fashion and photography are only very small parts of that , but it 's good to be able to use those things to say something . ’
4 Goodwood House and race course are only 10 miles away , and within a 15-mile radius there are numerous historic houses to see .
5 They are the final arbiters , as to where the motions passed at the Apex Conference are acceptable under the advisory element of the rule , my branch are only too aware of this .
6 A large supply voltage and phase resistance are only required when the motor is operating at high speeds .
7 In ten years ' time we shall no doubt still be using the techniques discussed in this chapter but we may also have opened up new avenues of research by widening the range of materials examined and by using other scientific techniques which at present are only at the development stage .
8 Those note teaching are only required to pay for each day actually attended .
9 The majority of the electorate are only marginally politically conscious , and the personalisation of political issues and allegiances reflect this marginality .
10 There can be no doubt , however , from the force and weight of the submissions made to us that there is a considerable body of informed opinion which supports the recommendation of the Crowther Committee and believes that the problems arising in relation to the impact of reservation of title clauses on insolvency are only part of more extensive problems deriving from the unsatisfactory laws concerning security interests in personal property .
11 ICI and Du Font are only two of the firms in the chemical industry , but their output is rather more significant than their number would suggest !
12 It is important to bear in mind the fundamental rule of agency law , that the acts of an agent are only binding on the principal if the agent had actual or apparent authority to perform those acts .
13 On the contrary , the rules of Equity are only a sort of supplement or appendix to the Common Law ; they assume its existence but they add something further .
14 The services provided by the music business adviser are only part of the union 's total commitment to servicing the needs of today 's musicians .
15 Women are not like that ; or at least , the details , the weaknesses they dwell on in narration are only rarely the physical ones that men delight in .
16 Firstly , any plans for the chapel complex are only in embryonic form .
17 ‘ Do n't you realise that the enemy are only a few yards from these positions ?
18 If these forecasts are correct , and they of course ignore the inertia of the system , and the immense social capital invested in cities , then the population and employment changes revealed by this chapter are only the precursors of a massive recolonization of the countryside , not only in the UK but also the USA ( Fisher and Mitchelson , 1981 ) .
19 Crying , colic and night-waking are only a tiny portion of the range of symptoms which experienced mothers report as disappearing and reappearing with dietary changes — changes in maternal diet for the breast-feeding mother , or changes in infant diet directly .
20 Had the cut been only fifty feet deeper , it would have filled with sea water and the land to the north would have been an island .
21 Hetton are only a point off the pacemakers after they won by six wickets Langley .
22 Some Near Eastern religions demand allegiance to one of many monsters , but on closer examination it turns out that the other creatures in the loch are only large fish .
23 On Sundays , premises in respect of which a six-day licence is in force are only entitled to supply alcoholic liquor to such persons as they are entitled to outwith the permitted hours .
24 By having to concede free elections at the round-table talks on Thursday night , the Communists have , in effect , accepted they will in future be only one partner in a pluralist political system .
25 Yet the Steward and Moray were only youths and the Constable not much more , and inexperienced , with Sir Archibald scarcely a renowned warrior .
26 PERTHSHIRE Brass Band played stirring music at the interval when the home side were only 2-1 down .
27 The Premier Division-based Scotland side were only beaten , in fact , by a goal of almost tragic proportions , conceded when an infrequent error was characteristically punished by Riedle .
28 Evidence of this can be seen in the surprising number of items surviving from the late 19th and early 20th centuries , which one could be forgiven for thinking were only a few decades old .
29 Now we are asked to consider this proposition in the face of local opposition which ranges from sullen resentment to armed threat — said local opposition being only some 25 supersonic minutes away for that bogeyman of the south Atlantic airways , the Super Etendard jet fighter .
30 Writing the preface to Fanon 's The Wretched of the Earth ( 1961 ) Jean-Paul Sartre remarked the violence and duplicity of European humanism in the colonial context ; it had been , said Sartre , ‘ nothing but an ideology of lies , a perfect justification for pillage ; its honeyed words , its affectation of sensibility were only alibis for our aggressions ’ ( p. 21 ) .
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