Example sentences of "[noun sg] [was/were] two " in BNC.

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1 The earthen floor was covered with planks and on either side were two rough bunk beds .
2 On Conchis 's left side were two puckered scars .
3 Side by side were two well-executed oil paintings of the same man .
4 Among the many new and original talks personalities brought to Canadian listeners from the west coast were two that really caught the public imagination .
5 Besides the top six , coming in just below the million pounds for their year 's labour were two directors grossing 900,000 ( $1,440,000 ) .
6 Whaling and jute were two of the chief sources of Dundee 's rise to prominence as a port .
7 On each sole were two pieces of metal , one at the tip and one at the heel .
8 Related to perception were two strongly contrasting ways of taking in and becoming aware of what was happening .
9 On the couch were two sheaths of flowers .
10 The following century , Ibn Battuta related how on the two sides of the southerly part of the present-day frontier were two distinct tracts of ‘ Iraq ’ : Iraq al-Arabi , which was akin to today 's Iraq ; and Iraq al-Ajami ( or Persian Iraq ) , inhabited by Persian-speakers and including the city of Isfahan .
11 Trouble and tragedy were two of her especially favourite words .
12 Near the club entrance were two old houses and in one of these lived the local bird catcher .
13 Officially the death toll was two hundred ; unofficially it was estimated at thousands .
14 The result was two fragrances , which Laura liked equally , so they decided to introduce them both calling them , simply , Number 1 and Number 2 .
15 The launderette was two and a half blocks from the house ; probably less than three hundred yards .
16 The first Scottish outbreak was two weeks ago in Aberdeen .
17 The first people to bear the name Cranko were two brothers , James and William , and their sister Miemie , all living in Cape Town in the middle of the nineteenth century .
18 In front of the desk were two comfortable low modern armchairs for visitors .
19 The substantial advances which it made on the earlier law were two :
20 Abortion and divorce were two other issues of grave concern to Irish feminists but the climate was too hot politically and our numbers too small to effect change in those areas at that time .
21 Among the first to see the manuscript were two of his colleagues , journalist Dontun Adebayo and editor Steve Pope .
22 Inside the folder were two sheets of faxed paper .
23 Each celluloid window was two inches smaller all the way round than the gap it was supposed to fill and was held in place by fishing line .
24 In nineteen ninety one , Sir John stated that the average overpay for maternity benefit was two hundred and forty pound per person .
25 The plot was two corpses gone before we caught sight of ourselves , stripped naked in the middle of nowhere and pouring ourselves down a bottomless well .
26 When the boy was two months old they had come to take him away .
27 . Er fourpence return was two mars bars , and quite a lot of us walked .
28 An absence of strategic vision and insufficient customer focus were two other areas identified as key problems facing companies which are also being held back in their quality objectives by the recession .
29 Also on the new team were two scientists , Professors J.D. Bernal and Solly Zuckerman , chosen for their original minds by the Chief Government Scientist .
30 The somewhat different style of French colonial rule and the region 's more scattered population were two major reasons .
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