Example sentences of "[noun sg] [is] of " in BNC.

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1 The wheel is of Flemish type , typical of the Donegal flax wheel .
2 Here the wheel is of ‘ pitchback ’ type , the water falling short of the highest point of the wheel , and thus turning it , as it were , backwards , or in the opposite direction to the flow of water .
3 The memorandum of association is of crucial importance to the company , for it is this document which lays down the boundaries of the company 's activities .
4 And there had to be freedom of speech and publication , for without these the freedom of association is of no use .
5 It is useful now and again to reflect on the reasons why the IBOA was established and why being a member of such as an Association is of such vital importance .
6 Equity entry is of crucial concern to the large numbers of trained and talented drama school finalists seeking to enter the business every year .
7 What follows in the rest of Exodus and the Pentateuch and indeed throughout the remainder of the Old Testament is of interest on two counts .
8 There is a very good variety of rolling stock , particularly in the freight scene , while the majority of passenger stock is of the Mark I design .
9 His Honour Judge Morrell did not rule on the bank 's main contention , which was that since a guarantee card guarantees cheques and a forged cheque is not in fact a cheque , the card is of no significance at all in a transaction if the signature on the cheque is forged , though this is obviously an alternative approach .
10 ( By the ‘ original pattern ’ I mean the pattern as designed for single bed knitting , not as punched out for double jacquard ; the double jacquard card is of course moving on at every row . )
11 As far as I 'm concerned , a Tarot card is of no use unless it fits one of those hole-in-the-wall banks , preferably on somebody else 's account .
12 Well er er as I observe the authorisation card is of general interest to us but it 's not the sort of thing you 're going to produce to a member of the public .
13 Though it is clear that the true experiment is of limited use in sociology , it is important to recognize the central role that comparison plays in all social scientific explanation .
14 The script is of such a high standard .
15 The choice of subsection is of practical importance as defences are available to the defendant in respect of proceedings brought under s.92(1) ( c ) and ( d ) but not otherwise .
16 They do so proudly rather than furtively , reckoning that the partnership is of self-evident benefit .
17 Although this precise reasoning is of doubtful relevance today , it contains the seeds of an argument to the effect that the public interest lies in having a society with fit and healthy citizens .
18 The line of reasoning is of a kind that evolutionists frequently use .
19 Bowe 's disturbingly casual manner out of the ring is of more concern to both his rivals and his supporters .
20 There is an on-going situation in which the feedback is of maximum importance in assessing the viability of the project .
21 If speed is of the essence — and all marketing surveys say it is — then the microwave is the manufacturers ' version of the licence to print money .
22 If you like the house the chances are that other people will like it too , so speed is of the essence .
23 Such overly anxious and insecure horses are usually found amongst the Thoroughbred population , where speed is of such importance that it predominates over every other desirable characteristic .
24 what these reports have shown is that speed is of the essence and such projects should be chosen and approved far more quickly , in time for the researchers to be able to compete with rival projects .
25 Speed is of course important , but safety must come first .
26 Speed is of the essence , especially when it comes to losing weight .
27 If the Alfvén speed is of order , it follows that the pressure of the molecular gas in the bulge , , is about three orders of magnitude higher than that of the diskgas .
28 These are generally used when speed is of the essence , but you may be called upon to give an oral report to accompany a written one .
29 Speed is of the essence when following up newspaper advertisements .
30 If you do not have a microscope of your own , prepare a slide as above and take it , without delay , to a veterinary consultant specialising in fish diseases ( having made a prior appointment , since speed is of the essence ) .
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