Example sentences of "[noun sg] [is] that " in BNC.

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1 Another reason to be cautious of over-reliance on the mean is that there are certain important between-group differences which a simple comparison of group means can not reveal .
2 The price intellectuals pay is that they are dependent on the government for both professional and financial recognition , since ‘ the most important definition of an intellectual is that he should be recognised by the government as such ’ ( Riding : 1986 , p. 428 ) .
3 One of the most wonderful things about religion is that it 's always there waiting for us .
4 The real importance of the Christian religion is that it claims to be true irrespective of how I regard it .
5 One reason why there can be no simple answer to the question whether there has been irresolvable conflict between science and religion is that the answer may well depend on which of these types of explanation is favored .
6 The attractiveness of the cultural explanation of religion is that it appears to account for the diversity in religious practices and beliefs without the necessity to get involved in controversy .
7 A major reason why people decide to have nothing to do with religion is that , in the name of religion , much injustice , violence and bigotry has been perpetrated .
8 The important thing in dealing with our self-image is that we recognise that we are different creatures with different skills and abilities , and that we have a very realistic idea of what our skills and inabilities actually are .
9 What happens in the blast furnace is that the slag is lighter than the molten iron and it collects on top of the molten iron and by some means that I s
10 Although this is not so good as the quick sponge or madeira cake for cutting and shaping , it is ideal for the simpler shaped fantasy cakes and its advantage over the quick sponge is that it is lighter .
11 The proposed remedy is that the liability of those carrying the risk in the insurance market should not be unlimited and that capital should be recruited from corporations as well .
12 The view of the British Medical Association is that as every patient has a right to refuse medical treatment , it is reasonable for parents to decide for babies .
13 The basis of this association is that very high parity , birth order or family size can only be achieved , if the intervals between births are short .
14 Now the reason I used the word association is that it 's different from correlation which is what we 're gon na talk about shortly .
15 ‘ The thinking is that everyone should be placid and passive , as if you can creep up to the polls in carpet slippers .
16 The thinking is that once all the mucky bits have been moved out , Singapore 's well-educated workforce will specialise in research and development , marketing , finance and other services .
17 One flaw in the techniques of vertical thinking is that they proceed from the known into the unknown .
18 Recent thinking is that these should be scrapped and replaced with the wider concept of children with ‘ learning difficulties ’ having ‘ special educational needs ’ .
19 Current thinking is that the chromosome of E. coli meets all the microbe 's ordinary domestic needs , which rarely change , and that plasmid-borne information comes into play only when the microbe encounters a stress — a changed nutrient , an antibiotic or competitor .
20 The fallacy of course in this thinking is that any organisational structure is the means not the end .
21 The logical result of such thinking is that parents feel largely responsible when things go wrong .
22 The thinking is that cyclists and pedestrians , though not always comfortable companions , stand to gain more by tolerating each other in mutual exclusion of the car than by continuing traditional attitudes which will prevent a full realisation of the benefits to town centres of encouraging the soft modes of transport .
23 At present , the Commission 's thinking is that express services should be liberalised where this is not yet the case .
24 The relevance of Christian thinking is that it puts certain limits on the market place , not on the basis that they are politically necessary to secure greater freedom in the market economy , but that they are right and desirable in themselves .
25 Current thinking is that the whole word recognition approach is not viable for the more general problem with large vocabularies ( Tappert et al , 1990 ) .
26 ‘ Not really because it seems to do any good but just because the thinking is that it 's better for him than other commercial products , ’ says Kathleen .
27 A more substantial criticism of this line of thinking is that , being sociological and stating what is the case , it does not offer us any positive conception of what could be the case .
28 The thinking is that , in a time of fierce economic and social change in Westernised economies , all companies — from home-based one man/woman bands to the ICIs and IBMs — are having to adapt to new organisational structures and ways of working .
29 Anyone listening to or reading about the debate will know that the nub of the Government 's thinking is that they want the Bill to be passed .
30 A further reason why such dichotomies as are embodied in the quantitative–qualitative distinction should not be allowed to dominate our thinking is that they tend to obscure the sheer and sometimes bewildering variety of materials that can qualify as data .
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