Example sentences of "[noun sg] [Wh det] [modal v] " in BNC.

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1 Jesus was not executed by the Jewish Sanhedrin -which could , with permission , stone to death a man who had trespassed against Judaic law — but by the Roman administration .
2 ‘ I myself can not even begin to imagine by what mental process an educated and rational man of some sensibility moves from the reputed subtleties of Keynsian economics ( the process which has , apparently , saved the capitalist system from the collapse which would in turn have provoked a revolution ) to the blatant crudities of contemplating intercourse with a mindless whore .
3 Emphasize the difficulty of saying anything at all with regard to religion which may not be received by someone in a misleading way .
4 In the absence of charters , the new colonies on the south shore devised constitutions of their own : Connecticut 's Foundations in 1639 were primarily concerned to bring a group of separate towns , each with a rural hinterland , together as one colony with a congregational approach to religion which would avoid the dangers of conflict and division , while the Constitution of Rhode Island , established in 1643 , took a long step further towards complete commitment to the view that no particular variety of religion would be given a special position and that everybody would be allowed to carry on worship freely .
5 I was in favour of a world religion — an all-enfolding religion rejecting no one , but I did not then know of a church or religion which would include all men .
6 When in early Christian Rome they converted pagan temples into churches , they removed all the symbols of the old religion which could be torn out without endangering the structure .
7 Any form of religion which can be thus manipulated is basically unsound and will not meet the fundamental need for unassailable integrity .
8 A form of religion which can be rationalised to meet the needs of the foregoing , is not to be found anywhere in the whole vast accumulation of religions and sects that the world has yet produced .
9 For them it is all part of a culture and religion which must be tolerated .
10 The tyre then begins to slide and scrubs off the excess speed which could n't safely be lost with a more drastic pull on the brake .
11 For one thing , they will limit the forward speed which can be developed .
12 THE incineration of PCBs requires a furnace which will hold the material at 1,100C for at least two seconds , in the presence of plenty of oxygen .
13 As reported in the proceedings of the institute , this was followed by some comments on river maintenance which might have been made only yesterday. :
14 The maximum display resolution is 1024 x 768 with 256 colour , and the card comes with a disk containing the graphics drivers and some useful utilities such as XMODE which will allow you to emulate different video modes to suit the of software you are running .
15 Such an organisation could take the form of a formal association which would arrange qualifying examinations and the provision of certificates , like the legal and accounting professional bodies , or at least operate in the manner of the existing MCA .
16 While she felt sure she would enjoy his mother 's company , she was reluctant to encourage an association which could involve further contact with him .
17 If you are not already collecting these for some good cause a teacher has drawn attention to the following Association which will be glad to receive them ‘ British Kidney Patients Association ’ , Bordon , Hampshire .
18 A network of European car manufacturers have established a new trade association which will place particular emphasis on the need to " green the car " .
19 Regarding Woodhouse Close are the readers aware that the deal involves a housing association which will take over in excess of 150 of these properties ?
20 AN agreement has been struck between Darlington council , Quakers and a housing association which will enable elderly people to move back to the centre of town .
21 Conversely , a low fibre diet did not lead to changes in cellular proliferation which might be associated with mucosal instability .
22 So , so th th that would be some of the thinking which would lie behind sitting down and , and and drawing up a , a reform document a land reform document , in the very late nineteen forties .
23 As well as being a perfect cover-up for the beach , it can also be worn as a top or skirt which will look great in the evenings too .
24 This makes a beautiful patterned skirt which can be bold and flamboyant or gently patterned according to the design you use , but it must be in fine yarn or it will be heavy and concrete-like. 2/30s acrylic , Bramwell 's Silky , Bonnie 's French Crêpe or Forsell 's 2-ply Wool all make lovely fabrics .
25 Despite this , Cureton has made a very important contribution to the study of poetic rhythm which should set the tone for rhythmic analysis for some time to come .
26 A horse which should win , does n't .
27 If you are looking for your eventer then choose a formula aimed at the high performance horse which should be higher in Vitamin E.
28 Sgt John Marshall of the mounted section wants to hear from anyone interested in selling a horse which must be a minimum of 16 hands .
29 His range alone is impressive : he can spring into a left uchimata ( inner thigh throw ) then twist right into a seoi-nage ( shoulder throw ) and still retain sufficient balance to produce a sparkling footsweep which will send his opponent crashing to the ground .
30 In addition , they decide the quantity of the initial pressing of their artists ' recordings ( for a new artist 's first single this would be around 5,000 ) ; they liaise with the manufacturing plant to ensure further stock is available if it is needed ; and they avoid producing stock which would probably never be sold .
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