Example sentences of "[noun sg] [Wh det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Nor did England ever approach the state of social and political collapse which France faced after Poitiers .
2 The argument developed in this chapter is of vital importance for the teaching of RE because it concerns deep-seated anxieties with religion which people have today .
3 Gift-giving and Christ-like displays of humility are unlikely to have been the only aspects of religion which Cnut found attractive .
4 The religion which Proust eventually elaborated , as we shall see , was I think a religion of art , and the masterpiece which he wrote was of course his novel in fifteen volumes .
5 Christians , because of the type of religion which Christianity is , must always refer to certain historical events , above all to the person Jesus of Nazareth .
6 The way to deal with the international support system at the moment is to reduce it right across the board — for all support systems to be reduced at a speed which farmers can bear and which bears on different types of farmers equally , both within the Community and as between the Community and our competitors in the United States .
7 King Don Ferdinand was going through Leon , putting the Kingdom in order , when tidings reached him of the good speed which Rodrigo had had against the Moors .
8 It is a tale of simple kindness which Frankie Howerd offered to a lonely teenage boy during one short summer .
9 While Cameroun 's economic activity returned to normal within a few months , the experience of the three attempted coups , and particularly of the last , undermined the sense of renewal which Paul Biya 's elevation to the presidency had achieved .
10 Carve a vertical curve on each side which tapers into one end , and a horizontal curve that tapers into the same end .
11 Few were tempted by credit cards , debit cards , store cards or account cards to overstretch themselves , but ‘ in several moments of madness ’ Allison Battye was able to do so at Harrods , the House of Fraser store in Knightsbridge , to the tune of £2,300 on a card which Harrods had given her on the strength of her claiming on the application form that she was in employment , which was not true .
12 In the experiment which Donchin et al.
13 The hypothetical experiment which Keynes is undertaking is an examination of the consequences of a fall in the real wage rate brought about through a rise in the general price level , P ( what he refers to as ‘ the price of wage-goods ’ ) in relation to the money wage , W. The initial real wage rate is and the corresponding ‘ existing volume of employment ’ is 4 , .
14 Some industry analysts believe that DVI has started a false hare which Philips and others are now chasing .
15 ( This , of course , is compatible with the above verb/adjective analogy which Tormey incidentally also employs . )
16 It is these conclusions and that reasoning which Mr. McGregor has attacked and I must reconsider them .
17 Veteran defender Alistair Fitzsimmons foiled two goalbound efforts but in the 28th minute conceded a penalty stroke which Cooke converted and then Davy Wilson made it 4–0 on the stroke of half-time .
18 She wandered back into the small sitting-room with her mug of tea , put it down on the polished surface of a table but removed it hastily in case it left a tell-tale ring which S. Kettering might complain about in the future .
19 The disruption which farmers and landowners have faced has been of a somewhat different kind : they have suffered a loss of their traditional authority over the village population which they once took virtually for granted .
20 The differences within the Cabinet reflected the factional nature of the coalition which Ramos had hurriedly assembled in support of his candidacy prior to the May 1992 presidential elections .
21 This chapter concentrates on the feedback which BRAC received concerning this first phase .
22 He was regarded as an independent , but increasingly he became Aung San 's adviser , supplying the inside knowledge of British forms of government and administration which Bogyoke lacked .
23 In Europe farm tourism is marketed with high quality materials and administration which Britain would do well to emulate .
24 For others still , the administration which war inevitably brought in its wake provided further opportunities to serve their country 's cause .
25 It fell to him and his chairman , Sir William Anstruther-Gray , to receive the nominations in the contest which Sir Alec 's decision [ to resign as Conservative Leader ] immediately set in train .
26 The interesting competition was between Paisley and the Official Unionists for the title of spokesman for the Protestant people , and it was a contest which Paisley won comfortably .
27 The hunting , fishing and shooting which Diana detests will be held up to them as badges of manhood .
28 Putting the ‘ political kingdom ’ first has been expensive and is now self-evidently an expense which Africa can no longer afford .
29 It 's worth pausing to examine the peculiar animosity which Rushdie seems to arouse , quite unconnected with Muslim wrath at his supposed blasphemy .
30 Homes became a speculative investment which bubble and burst , leaving thousands without homes or unable to move home .
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