Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb past] he " in BNC.

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1 Fairbank 's contribution to handwriting made him known to a larger public .
2 The Archdeacon realised he had been carried away , cleared his throat and gulped the last of the sherry .
3 He was a man whose approachability made him seem so very affable , but no one , however wealthy , becomes a Presidential hopeful without some steel in the soul , and it was that sudden steel that I now saw in the senator 's eyes .
4 One particular day , having struggled through an ugly crowd of protesters to the safety of the Welsh Office , the Prince announced he was going back out to talk to them .
5 The only occasion that the present writer met him was as a member of a deputation to appeal for troop protection for Protestant homes that were being stoned and shot into by the Provisional IRA .
6 When Roy Mason arrived in 1976 to take up his duties as secretary of state for Northern Ireland , the present writer met him as part of a deputation from my political party .
7 Keller 's Zurich upbringing made him into a skiier and sculler , and he raced for the Grasshopper club .
8 A branch whipped him in the face .
9 Even old Stalin Nicholson might be exhorting Gary this very minute , over egg and chips , recalling his days as fastest hod-carrier in the high-rise development before the lumbago got him .
10 Howe 's reputation as an animal painter was made when Sir John Sinclair of the Board of Agriculture commissioned him to draw details of various breeds of cattle , and he went on to paint hundreds more pictures , mostly of horses .
11 His proud mum met him at Shannon Airport with the news that he has been called up by the Lions as a replacement for winger Ian Hunter .
12 Mickie then and there decided that if the opportunity arose he would team up with Raoul on future helicopter design .
13 A farm truck passed him , stopped and the driver , a man in his sixties , looked out .
14 The first hint that Hills might be interested in a group pensions plan came when the company 's Board asked him to arrange a formal briefing .
15 However , recognising John 's substantial experience of ICAO matters , the division appointed him as chairman of committee ‘ A ’ , with the result that I was left virtually as head of the UK delegation .
16 Travelling at a speed of a hundred miles an hour made him worry that he would leave the safety of God 's Earth .
17 The man who , up to then , had experienced 18 years as a player at the highest level revealed how the sack made him determined to prove he had not suddenly become second rate .
18 Faldo took his 1992 winnings to a world record £1.5m , while Norman 's only consolation was that the £190,234 runner's-up cheque made him the first player in history to breech the $10 million barrier in career earnings .
19 Naturally he encountered no opposition based on nationalism , but his fervent support of Islam led him to abandon the tolerant policy his predecessors had adopted towards the Hindu majority , and this probably intensified resistance to his advance .
20 ‘ Have you sailed the rivers long ? ’ red-haired Darmid asked him .
21 But his ruthlessness made him as much a figure of fun as a minister of fear , and whatever his future holds , Souness will always be pursued by a sense of resentment in Scotland .
22 And , when the cast of The Hooded Owl met him , they could understand why .
23 His dribbly nose , crooked teeth and cheeky Cockney accent made him an obvious classroom victim .
24 he , he goes , he reckoned that , he reckoned that , that my blanket made him feel worse .
25 His Mum passed him his chips and crispy pancakes .
26 Quite different from her brother , who was slim where she was rotund , and whose dark hair lent him a certain swarthy , though boyish , kind of good looks .
27 This split made him simultaneously very alert and extremely absent-minded , now on the ball , now off in a world of his own .
28 ‘ Gardening vexeth the spirit , ’ my dad used to say to me with a broad wink whenever my mum asked him to get out and cut the lawn .
29 The fact that it lacked heraldry around it was a sign that he belonged to no particular lord , though the blue sash announced he was attached to the Household of Ralarth .
30 The abruptness of the change made him shudder .
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