Example sentences of "[noun sg] [adv] on " in BNC.

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1 The simplest method would have been for a French submarine to wait for the Rainbow Warrior somewhere on the high seas and sink it with a torpedo but that posed the problem of what to do with any survivors .
2 Christian Aid spends its money mostly on Christians .
3 He demonstrated this technique successfully on clients in front of the trainees .
4 Well they 're taking all the power lines down in the village , or down through that part of the village which , fair enough , gets rid of the eyesore but they 're gon na put now a bloody big transformer , abou thing about seven , eight foot bloody tall in , in the field right on the Copper Dollar
5 And meant only for summer and early autumn ; no heating apparatus except the open fires , and a kitchen rather on a par for mod cons with my cottage at Otters ' Bay .
6 Striding away from the house , Carolyn stubbed her toe badly on a brick end and had to sit down to nurse it .
7 Get this bit right on the back !
8 " What about , " Graham said , pointing one finger at Slater , who pursed his lips and tapped his foot impatiently on the fire-surround , " those people who like Barry Manilow and John Cage ? "
9 The associative theory , on the other hand , predicts an advantage only on the first task , the associations being of no help , or perhaps even hindering , when symbols having a common associate require different responses .
10 of all participatory sports facilities , unless we get more capital for our local authorities they will be able to spend money only on basic repairs ?
11 Andrew 's a a little bit better on layout than me and I 'm
12 Okay you covered all that okay yeah erm I think the objection bit you could 've been a bit better on that one erm cos that was quite a sort of bad one , well you 're not too sure about sort of giving his name or his telephone number out
13 To put it another way , both yarns knit on needles selected by the blanks , the cotton thread only on needles selected by the punched holes .
14 They said that another friend would look after her , but when we went to see her a month later , she looked absolutely awful , in a field all on her own and full of worms .
15 the bank were prepared to pay for the business to be purchase only on condition that the home , that the family home was then sold and the proceeds were given straight to the bank , so with that eighty thousand pounds of equity in the property and the purchase fund for the business was about twenty five thousand pounds .
16 It 's election constantly on the telly .
17 An Audit Certificate annually on request of District Audit
18 But the females compete for males because the male has a pouch literally on the front of his , of his belly , you know what a sea horse looks like , he looks like a horse actually , not surprisingly , you know they have this kind of , they have a kind of tail and they have this kind of pouch .
19 The CPA 1987 is similar to the SGA 1979 and the SGSA 1982 with respect to merchantibility and fitness for purpose , as it imposes liability only on those acting " in the course of a business " .
20 Ruth gazed past him , over his right shoulder to the yacht with its two beautiful people laughing and sipping champagne together on the upper deck .
21 So basically it 's like a little computer there and it reads your handwriting basically on your little electropad there .
22 But in a way , I i i is it better for them to walk out than seethe and you know , I sa are you putting a bit much on there ?
23 We became ‘ best friends ’ as schoolgirls do , pushing our babies to the park together on fine afternoons and on wet ones , sitting in each other 's flats drinking whisky — how we afforded it I can not now imagine — while our babies played behind the sofa .
24 It would look as though a mountain of flowers was moving through the car park all on its own .
25 Arguing that we should criticize literature only on ‘ literary ’ grounds rather than on political or personal grounds ignores the difficulty of making boundaries between the purely literary and the political .
26 We have been eating together quite a bit , and also travelling to the University together on the bus — the University being about 8 miles from the city centre .
27 As paragraph 16.1 of Code C makes clear , the police officer is obliged to charge a suspect as soon as he believes that there is sufficient evidence for a prosecution to succeed , but nobody could expect the police simply to cease work on the case and rely at the trial only on the material revealed up to the moment of charging .
28 ( 4 ) In an action for personal injuries ; ( a ) the number of expert witnesses shall be limited in any case to two medical experts and one expert of any other kind ; ( b ) nothing in para ( 1 ) above shall require a party to produce a further medical report if he proposes to rely at the trial only on the report provided pursuant to Ord 6 , r 1(5) or ( 6 ) but , where a further report is disclosed , that report shall be accompanied by an amended statement of the special damages claimed , if appropriate .
29 On closer inspection there was quite a muddle between ‘ Chinese imperialism ’ and ‘ Vietminh military operations ’ , but it seems to have been an elementary mistake to base the assessment entirely on capability rather than intention , which the paper admitted , and was an extraordinary foundation for Rusk 's conclusion which was that : ‘ Above all , we can not afford to jeopardise the considerable measure of success our policy has already had in Indo-China by neglecting to provide the proper maintenance for our investment . ’
30 Other people who get psoriasis only on knees and elbows may need to fend people off .
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