Example sentences of "[noun sg] [subord] both " in BNC.

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1 On the other hand a case lasting 2 years which went to trial where both liability and quantum were both heavily contested could easily rack up between 30 and 50 hours without too much difficulty .
2 In such uses , therefore , the speaker mentally situates a real event in the field of the merely possible so that he can express a judgement , not on the reality of the happening , but on the appropriateness of its occurrence ( p. 219 ) : judging whether something real is appropriate for existence or not involves imagining what things would be like without its existence , and so leads to taking a mental position before its existence where both existence and non-existence are seen as possible .
3 Garland has argued that the reason why the early , biological positivists had the extraordinary ambition of arriving at a theory of the causes of crime where both the theory and the category of behaviour it was explaining had nothing to do with the criminal law , was that they were also engaged in a struggle to assert themselves as a ‘ new ’ profession of penal experts against the ‘ old ’ , legal profession .
4 The expression can only produce a constant term if both and have equal frequencies and , since has only a fundamental component , it is the corresponding component of which is required .
5 Note that when a share goes ex dividend this should have no effect on the price of the index future because both S and D will fall by the same amount ( the present value of the dividend ) .
6 It is virtually an obvious consequence of the accounting formulation used with investment as both the numerator of investment intensity and denominator of ROI , while profit in the numerator of ROI is possibly a fairly stable proportion of sales in the denominator of investment intensity .
7 Although the primary importance of state benefits in financing old age may decline in the future as both the opportunities and the incentives increase for today 's working population to accumulate private assets for retirement , there can be little doubt that over the last eighty years state pensions have been instrumental in sustaining a considerable degree of economic independence among the retired population .
8 But he certainly was n't the man to have in the driving seat on the union side when both management and workers were striving for the sheer survival of the company , and needed to work together if they were to pull through .
9 In presenting the imperative as both universal and absolute ( and without yet even discussing why there are so many situations where common sense or common decency oblige us to violate it ! ) , we are not far from the claim traditionally put in metaphysical terms , that Good is identical with Being .
10 At the same time he pressed the labour theory of value to far more radical ends than David Ricardo [ q.v. ] , seeing skilled labour as both the measure and producer of all value .
11 He showed talent as both engineer and entrepreneur , and other bridges and roads followed .
12 GM , in common with other Western car manufacturers , perversely views the Japanese automotive industry as both the great collaborator and the great threat in equal measure .
13 After steadily improving his position in the opinion polls , Perot achieved a breakthrough in mid-May when , for the first time , he registered a higher rating than both of his main Republican and Democratic rivals .
14 And do n't forget that you can double your return if both husband and wife invest .
15 So the two investments generate the same return if both PPP and the international Fisher effect hold , in which case exchange rate risk is unimportant .
16 In February 1713 De Lamerie set up his own workshop in Windmill Street , where he rapidly established his prominence as both manufacturer and retailer .
17 For the moment , we would point out that traditional theories of law , such as positivism , are characterised by a lack of concern for such perspectives , tending to regard law as both a static and isolated social phenomenon ; and insofar as they consider political struggle at all , they regard it as merely a struggle for the control of law as an ‘ instrument ’ .
18 ( Similarly , he identifies the law as both an ISA and part of the RSA since it functions both to coerce and to reproduce ruling class values . )
19 They need to be understood in the context of psychoanalysis as both a method of therapy and a body of findings about how human beings act .
20 Coton twice saved almost miraculously in the first half when both Pearson and Hirst were frustrated by the woodwork as Wednesday 's mixture of pace , strength and rapid teamwork overwhelmed the visitors .
21 Our main conceptual framework in the first part of the research is one which builds upon a dual understanding of marriage as both relationship and institution .
22 The cohesiveness of the governing coalition was called into question as both Sigua and Kitovani had been part of the Round Table which had had Iosseliani arrested in February 1991 [ see p. 38015 ] .
23 Apart from programs designed for vertical markets or specially written for a particular job , most of the products you 'll find are ‘ pen aware ’ which means they can recognize a pen as both a mouse and an input device , but do n't have any other facilities to take advantage of the pen .
24 The Bains Report referred to the need for this relationship to be ‘ informal ’ ( Bains 1972:37 ) , but other commentators would emphasise the necessity for formality if both councillor and officer are to maintain their proper roles : ‘ friendly but not familiar ’ is a frequent description of the correct attitude for a councillor to adopt towards officers , either as leader or in the chair of a committee .
25 In the new wing there is a cocktail bar/residents lounge where guests are offered a welcome cocktail , a traditional panelled stube , and a very attractive dining room where both dinner and the extensive breakfast buffet , including bacon and eggs are served .
26 Duration of onset was recorded in a sub-group , and showed Asians had a shorter duration than both other groups , but particularly when compared with Afro-Caribbeans .
27 While the main focus of the Survey is on basic payments it is nevertheless a crucial benchmark because both bonus and overtime payments are to an extent determined by the basic or standard wage .
28 But is not , I mean it 's too late at the moment because both the Citizen and
29 This was the first meeting since both Koreas had entered the UN [ see p. 38437 ] .
30 Such a shattering of great imperial hopes was the material from which ‘ tragic ’ history could be written ( though Athenian recovery after both Egypt and Sicily was quick ) ; but Thucydides , who never explores the same theme twice , reserves the full treatment for books vi — vii .
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