Example sentences of "[noun sg] [v-ing] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Pauline does all the cooking using only top quality produce .
2 She stared at the fierce pain in his eyes , her heart thudding dully in her chest .
3 She was aware of the cicadas buzzing in the heat of the day , of the sweet smell of pine trees and jasmine , her own heart thudding dully against her ribcage .
4 He could feel his heart thudding furiously and hoped desperately that he 'd succeeded in making his voice sound casual .
5 She paused for breath , her heart thudding painfully against her ribs .
6 Fran turned and glared at Luke , feeling her heart thudding painfully when he smiled with an easy charm that sent little tingles shooting down her spine .
7 So , instead of having to wander round and use her own powers of observation , she was escorted , heart thudding guiltily , straight to the back of the warehouse .
8 Fenella , her heart thudding frantically , kept her eyes fixed on the door and a fearful hope began to unfurl .
9 ‘ Then you should choose your … friends … more carefully , ’ she responded , oddly breathless , her heart thudding unevenly .
10 With her heart thudding so loudly that she felt sure he must feel it through her ribcage , she took another gulp of tea and waited , knowing he must speak , explain somehow what it was that had suddenly flared between them again .
11 ‘ Yes … ! ’ he said deeply , and then his mouth closed over hers , burningly sensual as his hands moved slowly up to tunnel into her thick black hair , and as her mouth opened beneath his the hunger swept them both again , their breathing quickening as the kiss took fire and his mouth was fierce , hot , demanding , his hands moving over her body as she heard his heart thudding violently at his chest , and she knew she was in danger of losing her mind with the sweet , hot rush of excitement .
12 Rachel 's eyes shot to him , her heart thudding violently .
13 They went on kissing , falling against the lift wall , Damian 's hard thigh thrust between hers as he lifted her , her heart thudding violently at his chest , moving his hard body against her soft , arching female body while she moaned hoarsely .
14 Her own heart thudding dangerously , the atmosphere between them charged , she rose .
15 Lovat wiped perspiration from his brow , feeling his heart thudding uncomfortably .
16 Donna sat back in her seat , her heart thudding hard against her ribs .
17 ‘ Do n't fight me , ’ he said huskily , face flushed and eyes glittering like blue needles as he held on to her easily , his mouth burying in her hair , his heart thudding hard at his strong chest .
18 She could feel his bare legs , covered in wiry golden hairs , brushing against hers as he moved closer to her , his heart thudding wildly .
19 Paige felt her heart thudding wildly in her chest , but it was her aunt who spoke first .
20 So the project was expanded to include building an expert system for another , similar circuit board using exactly the same technique .
21 It is , however , possible that there may be no solutions at all to a system of Diophantine equations ; the assistant could never give 46p change using only the 5p , 10p and 20p coins .
22 I wan na be on this course findin' out .
23 I made Jack shave his head — because he had the remnants of his hair hanging on — wonderful shape of ahead — shaved that off .
24 He grinned as she pushed up on the window sill , her head down , hair hanging blackly .
25 Under the long curling hair hanging lankly over the driver 's neck , Howard has noticed , is a tumour the size of a sparrow 's egg .
26 As soon as the ladies left their carriages , their beautiful gowns became sodden and muddied , and their elaborate hair styles were undone , their hair hanging over their faces .
27 Once , when she caught Cissie with her head down , drying herself in the heat from the fire with her hair hanging over her eyes and dangerously close to the flames , her heart had turned somersaults .
28 Bill Saltman 's head appears round the door , with fingers of wet hair hanging over his leathery brown forehead .
29 ‘ You always leave your hair hanging down like a hippy too , ’ he continued .
30 His wife lay there so limp , so insubstantial , her black hair hanging down like the tail of a whipped animal and one white hand clutching his sleeve as though it were her only hold on life .
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