Example sentences of "[noun sg] [v-ing] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Their father who had started the business , although retired , was still usually to be found there , hovering in the background , his full white beard reminding me of Father Christmas .
2 Acquiring this kind of expertise brings its own rewards and it is gratifying to discover that it is often easier to explain a subject to others when you have had some difficulty mastering it yourself .
3 Any insect touching it becomes inextricably stuck and very often buried within it as more resin flows around it .
4 The drunken porter allowing them entrance after the usual altercation .
5 Er if you get it wrong erm there 's the inheritance provision for family and dependence act nineteen eighty five , which is the statutory provision allowing you spouse who left nothing to all those children who left nothing to make applications to the court .
6 Of course , had the guilds and fraternities included a handling charge in their reckoning they might have attracted an income allowing them the freedom to purchase for themselves those ‘ extras ’ now being clamoured for .
7 This means that at any frontier anywhere in the world a border official who has at his disposal a piece of equipment which is already widely and internationally available will be able instantaneously to record the personal details from a passport without the holder realising it , and the record will be automatically read into and stored by a computer .
8 She could lie in bed at night and in imagination move confidently around the cottage touching them in a happy exploration of shared memories and reassurance .
9 She needed one or two things doing to her , and I spent my short leaves at Easter and Whitsun re-painting her and making her seaworthy .
10 That poems are alive but they run away from you , you know and you have difficulty catching them like you have difficulty catching foxes .
11 Q ‘ When sewing up a garment made in Hobby yarn , I find difficulty using it because the little slubs wo n't pull through the work easily .
12 She could n't imagine Meik enjoying it ; and certainly not Jacqui .
13 The Tisseran itself is now in the Bate Collection ( illus.4 ) : its painted and gilded case reminding us of the harpsichord the princess is playing in The music party .
14 But , under the system now envisaged by Mr MacGregor 's officials , higher education students would get a certificate proving they were on a recognised course and apply by post to the Glasgow-based Student Loans Company for a loan .
15 This seems to me to be a highly , high responsible budget bringing us closer and closer to a position where we will eventually reach .
16 In 1982 , Justin won damages from the People after they 'd run a story suggesting he was homosexual .
17 But , in March 1120 , the monks of St Augustine 's obtained a papal privilege allowing them to ring their bells to their hearts ' content , however much they annoyed their neighbours over the wall ; more to the point , this privilege quoted four papal privileges of the seventh to tenth centuries , all of them forgeries and one of them a forgery either derived from , or the source of , the very privilege of Pope Boniface IV which Alexander II had quoted to Lanfranc in 1070 .
18 But he persevered and now has three assistants from the students at the university helping him .
19 A broad-beamed fellow like myself should have no difficulty careering it across the ironing board , although a woman or even a bachelor-wimp might sooner resort to an old-fashioned metal iron than attempt to put this monster through its paces .
20 , I mean a woman that frightened we all be seething inside and of course seeing him asleep in a drunken stupor to think now 's my chance , she must of been in a terrible state emotionally
21 And if so , why was n't every red-blooded English male using it ?
22 The woman on the screen frowned as if she were having difficulty seeing them .
23 Erm so in in broad terms the master plan is is unchanged in concept but we think improved in detail the is the other thing at each end erm represents on the left hand side er , what is currently Honey Hill I believe the name may be changed in due course erm and those behind me here are the houses on the Fern Hill side and then , although some of you will have difficulty seeing it at the moment , at the bottom there are detailed drawings showing the internal arrangement of the houses and flats and , and detailed drawings of the elevations with dimensions , so one can have a have a bit of a feel for the the sort of space standards that we 've aimed at , but there are in fact , furniture plans shown on the drawings .
24 ‘ It 's not been easy for the chairman and his board seeing us stuck on the bottom of the table , ’ said Clough .
25 It can impose substantial fines ( of up to 10 per cent of turnover ) on parties who give effect to a merger either during the suspensory period or after the Commission has issued a decision prohibiting it ; and on parties who fail to divest businesses ( or take other action ) where the Commission has ordered them to do so .
26 Secondly , existing paper documents could be scanned into the computer enabling them to be further processed without the necessity of reproducing the original .
27 It can be added to a Windows 3 or OS/2 personal computer enabling it to handle a range of multimedia elements , including high resolution colour graphics , sound and animation .
28 I 'm not naive , I know others will make more be back with more bids because he 's such a top -class goal scorer , ’ says the manager , who has just signed a contract keeping him at Hillsborough for the same time as Hirst .
29 ‘ There was this wave knocking me over .
30 In a field landing it often happens that on the final approach or even during the hold off you realise that the first part of the field is not as smooth as it is further along .
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