Example sentences of "[noun sg] [pers pn] says " in BNC.

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1 And they looked like that and I says , what , I says , they 've caused these men to earn all this money I says they 're earning more money than and that 's all you 're gon na offer me ?
2 I got upstairs and the phone ring I says oh
3 Cos Irene says give me a ring I says no , I says that 's it , I said I 've already made the arrangement once and it backfired I says so I 'm not doing it no more .
4 He says I 'm a granddad I says you look it as well .
5 I did n't know there were a video , I says get your he just tuned it on any channel , I says get your remote control for your telly I says and click
6 Oh oh good grief she says you do n't need stamp .
7 And then then the next and then then in geography she says right what 's your mark all sweetly .
8 But after a thinking he says listen , leave it with me , I 'll see what I can do .
9 Of Sharon and her future he says :
10 The Department he says may deal with parents and children who have ‘ failed ’ , at the appeal stage .
11 I 'm gon na read from verse thirty five , just the paragraph there , the last paragraph in that chapter it says on that day when evening had come Jesus said to them let us go over to the other side and leaving the multitude they took him along with them just as he was in the boat and other boats were with them .
12 And over in the last verse in that chapter it says , he who believes in the son , has eternal life but he who does not obey the son , shall not see life , but the wrath of God abides on him .
13 so he says but I do n't know what to do he says cos if there 's a job you know , if there 's any overtime , cos there ai n't been none but if there 's any overtime he says I do n't know what to do I said bloody do the overtime , let her hang about .
14 Of the latter fault he says : ‘ I 've learned how to fix that , so I 'll know the next time . ’
15 where you been , I says where you been , aye he says aye he says , my fault he says I did n't get round did I ?
16 Seeing this stranger among the gleaners Boaz asks his foreman about Ruth , and she is as we 've mentioned , she , he talks about her diligence , about her respectful ways , about her , her consideration for other and Boaz offers to her , three things , he offers to her guidance he says , do n't go anywhere else , you stay here .
17 Thus the only way by which the government might achieve a higher level of output would be by cheating , by not following the rule it says it will follow .
18 You see , they 've got a card of the fella that did the thingy so , when they put him onto this other fella he says , er , yeah , his name were Mr so and so .
19 For example here in the same entry it says L23 , right ?
20 So you 're say , ah , right , no it 's just a , er , it says next birthday , at entry it says
21 He said I 'm not gon na do nowt about it , he says well , we 've put a part on it that cost us a hundred and forty pound he says .
22 In effect he says : you ca n't be a theist unless you use metaphysical terms .
23 Well in effect it says that how that it 's now the Party is sanctionalizing absolute egalitarianism , the aim that landlords , K M T officers , everyone 's going to get equal distribution of land .
24 the phone goes this morning , hop of Daisy , goes to answer it , Santa 's Grotto he says , a member of the public phoning to say that they found a child 's bag in the high street .
25 At the end of practice he says , ‘ Do you feel better with Tip ? ’
26 According to Budhoo , IMF employees ‘ manipulated ’ a key indicator of Trinidad and Tobago 's ability to compete and export ( the labour cost index ) to hammer home the point that massive devaluation was needed if the country was not to head for mounting economic chaos ; the true figure he says , was far more encouraging .
27 On the other side it says Start .
28 When someone protests at his callousness he says ‘ Would you rather my hand shook ? ’ .
29 Therefore , on the Web it says , completed !
30 And although I 'm not I enjoyed the piping , I enjoyed But I was not at peace I says I says , you 've even ruined me for this .
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