Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun pl] with " in BNC.

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1 This finding conflicts with those of Bransford and Johnson ( 1972 ) and Dooling and Mullett ( 1973 ) who found that providing information about the theme or context of a passage after it had been presented did not improve performance , and so concluded that such information only affected the organisation carried out when the passage was memorised .
2 Both of these are early representatives of articulated heterostracan fishes with well developed dermal skeletons and they may offer insights into the anatomy of the earliest vertebrate armour .
3 Furthermore , there were no significant differences in cholesterol values with change of tumour grade when analysed for stage A and B alone , or for stage C and D alone .
4 On expiry of the service contracts [ number ] year consultancy contracts with Mr [ ] and Mr [ ] will be agreed .
5 This assumption has been most conspicuous in the context of experiments comparing manual response times with vocal reaction time .
6 And Dicks is delighted just to be under consideration , because English League suspensions do n't count in the competition , which pits First Division clubs with those from Serie B.
7 The FBI and Britain 's Serious Fraud Office are investigating the scandal at its US offshoot , which is alleged to date back to 1983 and involve bogus defence contracts with Pakistan , China and South Africa .
8 Prime Minister Shamir said the report was an " utter lie " and confirmed that Israel was adhering to an inner Cabinet decision taken in 1987 to refuse any further defence contracts with South Africa .
9 Oblong sliders or belt fasteners from Late Neolithic contexts on the other hand resemble Yorkshire jet , as do the conical buttons with V-perforations at the base associated with Beaker pottery and the crescentic multistrand necklaces with toggles and spacer beads dating from the Early Bronze Age ( fig. 10 ) .
10 Fill the pastry cases with one of our fillings and divide the cream mixture between the quiches .
11 It has also helped in studying the kinetics of SNS+ cycloaddition reactions with nitriles , by monitoring , as a function of time , the diminishing reduction peak of SNS+ and the increasing peak of the 1,3 compound .
12 ‘ In that way , we will be able to groom our own accountants , combining banking skills with accounting professionalism , and a thorough knowledge of the Bank , ’ said Julian Leiper , Head of Group Internal Audit .
13 It consists mostly of plain four-storey brick warehouses with a few more ornate buildings among them .
14 The main products of the research will comprise new models of the interactions between lags and expectations , empirical studies of the success of such models relative to already established results , new econometrics tools for evaluating models , and working computer programmes with their documentation to enable other researchers to test the findings and try out related methods .
15 Clearly USL will argue that CSRG staff gave themselves permission to commercialise the system and will doubtless note a violation of the university 's established code of ethics which requires university personnel with a financial interest in a university decision to disqualify themselves .
16 It was only this monthly accounting that worried me though , for I read every patient 's case notes with avidity .
17 To put it another way : how did they think they could share their thoughts about the trick objects with another person ?
18 Do n't let me fool you into thinking that all the third category bureau are bad , some develop into excellent typesetting houses with none of the pre-conceptions of the old brigade , it 's just the majority who are dodgy .
19 In addition to , I shall arrange for a review to be undertaken of all discretionary life sentence cases with a first formal review date of January 1988 or later .
20 At the edge of the pool stand guardians with spears .
21 The aim of our study was to clarify the pathophysiology of constipation in children with CIP and to correlate abnormal motility patterns with distinctive clinical presentations or pathology .
22 The fact/belief divide is powerfully at work today as for example the debate on the original National Curriculum proposals with regard to the teaching of history and geography has amply attested .
23 Steps ( Forest mini-sleeper risers with gravel treads )
24 Plants open their flowers to lure insect pollinators with their nectar .
25 Variations of load and friction torques with speed can also be taken into account .
26 Numbers are also better suited to computer operations with the result that the process of searching the tree is made computationally simple .
27 Ozone formation is so influenced by sunshine that even the west of Ireland and northern Scotland experience summers with ozone damage .
28 The idea of decentralization to departmental units of accountable management not only undermines the hierarchical authority structure traditionally used in bureaucracies to enforce equitable application of departmental rules ( see p. 26 ) , but its underlying aim , as Gray and Jenkins ( 1985 , p. 157 ) warn , ‘ may be to downgrade … the search for fairness and equity of treatment … since such practices may not be value for money ’ , In the private sector , where equity is less important ( and in some cases absent ) , the search for value for money conflicts with no particular value systems , but in the public sector it does .
29 British Bio-technology , which employs 70 drug researchers with PhDs , could be valued at up to £200 million .
30 On reaching the peg which had stopped my fall , he made a few trial attempts with the skyhook , just to find out how it worked .
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