Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] quite " in BNC.

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1 Thus , a story which for one reason had been meaningful to her as a young child provided guidance for her at adolescence for quite a different reason .
2 But the next extract , from a story for quite young readers , switches ‘ voices ’ in a quite complicated way .
3 really a continuous , strongish wind to blow in one direction for quite a few hours .
4 The shock waves caused by the resignation of ALAN PHILLIPS as Cardiff coach could be rippling around the Arms Park for quite some time .
5 The adventure ties up a computer for quite a long time .
6 I 've been into this look for quite a while now , I know the rules .
7 And of course for quite a while we were from .
8 The notion of difference of level between quite different programming languages can equally well be expressed within a single language : at a single level of language , say of the programming language LISP , one normally defines a function in terms of sub-functions , so that I might for example write a function WALK(x) ( where x ranges over walkers ) whose sub-functions ( to be executed in order ) might be some form of LIFT-RIGHT-LEG ; FLEX-RIGHT-FOOT ; and so on ( I am not suggesting that sequence would be even remotely plausible in fact ) .
9 The excess will remain in the buyer 's warehouse for quite some time , tying up his capital and his storage space .
10 And is part of the package i d d does the package er of the aircraft when it comes to be served include things like the simulator or is that something that outside the contract and is bid for quite separately .
11 I 'll call for a vote for quite clear I am going to stick to what I 've said that I consider that the amendment has been proposed it can be if it 's to be accepted it can then be accepted by the Committee as a whole
12 SAAB has produced the first pictures of its first new car for quite some time , the new-look 900 .
13 Well here , here are char for example , this is a female , you see the , the white line on the fins and the very pale pink spots , this will actually get gradually more highly coloured until about December when they will be quite bright red , and , and in my opinion not a question really , but might be that some of these other ones are pretty nice as well here 's quite a , quite a dark little trout , probably been in the light for quite a long time , right now nevertheless that 's a female as well just a couple more famous small ones here , that 's a young salmon , that 's really a beauty .
14 There is also a great deal of quite justified apprehension over what is in store in the coming months .
15 It describes , too , the extraordinary effect of the collapse of quite a small sewer .
16 FRANK SIDEBOTTOM , the man whose papier-mache head must be responsible for the loss of quite a fair amount of small coniferous growths , now has his own show .
17 You see at Banbury School our governing body erm has expressed itself clearly as against the tertiary education proposals as they were first put forward , and I am very pleased to have heard during the debate that they 've been amended as a result of quite a lot as a result of the discussion that has gone on .
18 Still , all this pales into bland insignificance in comparison to Norma — A Biography , a new book by journalist Tim Walker , an in-depth study of quite possibly the most boring woman in the western world .
19 You might take tea in the rarefied surroundings of Eickhof , a cafe of quite overwhelming temptation for cake-lovers .
20 She was not miserable ; she certainly was not coerced into her life style ( quite the contrary , her family made considerable effort to dissuade her , and even the Church authorities of her time were not encouraging ) ; she was not psychopathic , in the sense that she did not inflict sufferings on other people ; she was the recipient of quite remarkable consolations , including that highest of all delights , the conviction of the ‘ mystical marriage ’ , in which Christ takes the soul directly as his spouse , and a loving one at that .
21 Brown algae is generally an indication of quite low lighting levels and increasing the amount of light will overcome this problem .
22 The effect of these was temporarily marred by an interview of quite startling indiscretion which he gave to the People newspaper , then very right-wing and hardly distinguished .
23 However , even with careful recognition molecule design , selective recognition of quite simple organic solutes , and solutes involved in enzyme reactions has proved difficult .
24 You want a piece with quite a bit of fat marbling the inside .
25 However my own opinion , for what it is worth , is that the possibility of making moral judgements is inextricably mixed up with the possession of language capability in quite a different form from that which has been shown to exist in experimental domesticated apes .
26 There is a pouched mouse in Australia , though in this case the resemblance is not so close and it does not make its living in quite the same way .
27 The political rhetoric of the Alliance constructed the working-class electorate in quite specific ways .
28 She is the first to admit that she was bitten by the Puppy Love bug from quite an early age — which stood her in good stead when it came to dealing with the opposite sex in later years .
29 Moderator I 'm going to ask the general assembly to turn their mind to quite a different subject now .
30 When the dye molecules are dissolved in another solid , transparent host material , they do not all absorb light at quite the same frequency .
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