Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] them " in BNC.

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1 In fact no recent government has reduced local authorities ' statutory duties , only the money to perform them .
2 The drunken porter allowing them entrance after the usual altercation .
3 The opportunity to buy two outstanding adjoining properties in that location was extremely rare and the Perots had the opportunity to acquire them both as a family compound .
4 It has never been the case that central Government would indemnify local authorities for expenditure when they are already given money through the revenue support grant to enable them to undertake their responsibilities , and that is not a way forward .
5 Some of the details are nicely done such as the antiquated ceramic water bottle offered by the porter to enable them to cope with the freezing bedrooms .
6 Has he for instance consulted them with their rights under the Tenants Charter ?
7 Cos she was trying to find a , a reason or an excuse to sue them for it .
8 This uncertainty might , on the one hand , encourage social commentators in the attitude expressed by a writer in The Economist in 1848 : ‘ In our condition suffering and evil are nature 's admonitions ; they can not be got rid of ; and the impatient attempts of benevolence to banish them from the world by legislation , before benevolence has learnt their object and their end , have always been productive of more evil than good . ’
9 a Services Division to support them for a transitional period
10 Of course , had the guilds and fraternities included a handling charge in their reckoning they might have attracted an income allowing them the freedom to purchase for themselves those ‘ extras ’ now being clamoured for .
11 was going out of this area to the providers of er of capital , for opportunities within this area we can go to London for example be many bankers there who will be being approached by companies within the northern region , north west region asking them for money to support them in their in their ventures .
12 There is little evidence that peasant faith declined , but the authority of village priests was progressively undermined : in terms of culture and way of life they differed too little from the ordinary villagers to inspire much respect , and the miserly provision made them by the State resulted in constant friction over money matters between priest and parishioner .
13 As kids , loyal pals , as men now , they justify the respect and high esteem given them .
14 She could lie in bed at night and in imagination move confidently around the cottage touching them in a happy exploration of shared memories and reassurance .
15 That poems are alive but they run away from you , you know and you have difficulty catching them like you have difficulty catching foxes .
16 There is a chief superintendent in RUC Headquarters whose sole responsibility is community relations , and no complaints were made about the level of managerial support given them by Easton 's senior officers , something unusual for ordinary policemen and women in the RUC , and particularly so compared to community policing sections in other forces ( Grimshaw and Jefferson 1987 ) .
17 But Welsh and English alike took care to put their valuables and their armour , if they had any , safely under lock and key , for if the returning troops were to be billeted in the town , even for a few nights , there would certainly be some looting , and no sane burgess was so loyal a king 's man as to be complacent about losing goods and gear without a struggle to preserve them .
18 The brittle high-street monoliths are being dismantled and reassembled bit by bit to enable them to become more adept at finding the most efficient way to the punter 's pocket .
19 Their small majority made them all the more conscious of the problems they needed to surmount to win the next election .
20 She said she did not want any birthday presents unless they could be enjoyed by everyone , so her friends spent £500 on young trees and got permission to plant them around the town .
21 All volunteers are trained in a programme designed to : — give a broad knowledge of HIV and AIDS — equip an individual on an emotional and practical level to enable them to give compassionate and unconditional care — equip them to give practical support
22 In this brief speech , it is not appropriate for me to attempt that task but I shall give the House three examples of the sort of arrangements for which the Government should press in the second half of 1992 when we have an opportunity to carry them forward .
23 The courts of law , they argued , are procedurally ill-equipped for this task since their formality , cost , speed , and complexity made them inaccessible to , or intimidating for , the ordinary citizen .
24 I need his presence to drive them away .
25 Many Fine Art graduates take up professional practice as artists , and this course encourages them to consider their role as artists in the community by providing opportunities for short-term placements outside the Faculty .
26 In the first place , becoming a housewife impresses them by the very openness of the role [ ? ] and by the freedom they now have from constraining supervision …
27 Insect eat them .
28 SCOTVEC is always interested to hear from people who feel that they have the subject expertise and commitment to National Certificate to enable them to undertake the job of subject assessor .
29 When the three of them scrambled to the surface , a scene of incredible noise and chaos met them .
30 Banks may keep cash balances surplus to their requirements in times of ‘ easy ’ money to enable them later to resist open market operations when the authorities are attempting to squeeze the base .
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