Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] on " in BNC.

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1 John was a cardmaker , and yet it was his good fortune to have depended on parish relief rather less often than some ; he and his family needed a brief period of support in the famine period of 1801–2 , when they were allowed 2s. a week , later reduced to 1s. , until payment stopped on 9 March 1802 .
2 But parliament is far away , and the border of Wales is very near , and is there a soul in these parts who does not know that smuggling goes on day by day , and that life here would be impossible if it did not ?
3 Either way , this black man , his ringleted hair gleaming on his shoulders , was not Gentle .
4 There stood Balboa , his shield on his arm , his cuirass gleaming on his chest , the brilliant new banner in one hand and his naked sword in the other , his plumed helmet giving him a stature far more considerable than offered by his height alone .
5 After 20 years ' service the almost total entitlement to remain on full pay , albeit suspended from duty , until the age of 65 .
6 The coexistence of these two problems means that a choice must be made between an expansionary or contractionary budget depending on the government 's preference : higher employment or stable prices .
7 All treatment was withdrawn for a minimum of two weeks , after which inclusion in the trial depended on a diastolic blood pressure >105 mm Hg .
8 It will automatically calculate , for example , what proportion of your income goes on things like the car and household items .
9 Much of my paltry income goes on rent boys — one of my few weekend leisure activities .
10 Any decision given on review attracts a further right of appeal just like the original decision .
11 The hearing will be adjourned pending the delivery of the High Court 's opinion , at which time it will be relisted and a decision given on the merits in the light of the High Court 's opinion on the law .
12 Nearer our own time , in 1830 , when the extensive manor of Ingleton changed hands , the new owner had a tower intended as a hospice erected on the summit , made from stone pillaged from the wall and the foundations of the huts .
13 However , Jardana stated that implementation of the budget depended on the availability of foreign grants , aid and easy-term loans .
14 Since the profession 's livelihood depended on the public having confidence in its members ' integrity and professional ability , he warned , those who did break the rules would be dealt with swiftly , effectively and fairly .
15 And at floor level the Revue sits on four skid feet .
16 The Queen Mother is believed to be strongly against divorced Anne 's decision to remarry on Saturday .
17 Consider providing the participating member with the opportunity to report on results of contact directly to the client , in order to ensure effective communication .
18 Just imagine going into a court of law to argue a case depending on its provisions .
19 Three methods were being tried : A benign substance called Hot Foot Gel painted on the top of transformers and similar equipment to produce a ‘ sinking ’ feeling for the Hoodies when they try to land ; Plastic strips with irregular plastic spikes fixed to the top of equipment to discourage the birds from landing in the first place ; Non-working poles incorporating ‘ alternative nesting pans ’ were erected at selected sites to encourage the crows to use them instead .
20 How else can you claim the insurance cover the certificate offers on all defects which occur in the first two years , and structural defects up to ten years ?
21 For some time there had been allegations in the foreign media of a power struggle centring on the issue of introducing political reforms between Alia and Hoxha 's widow Nexhmije Hoxha , who was chair of the Democratic Front ( an umbrella organization dominated by the ruling Party of Labour — APL ) and who reputedly wielded great influence in the APL central committee .
22 Buddie was sitting on a hard chair with one foot resting on an upturned petrol-tin .
23 Seated on one stool by the wall of the hut , with her foot resting on another , Paige stared gloomily at Travis 's figure down by the water 's edge .
24 The scapula of the male differs on an average from that of the female , in size , proportions and shape .
25 Gall bladder volumes were calculated from the measured parameters with the software of the ultrasound unit , assuming that the shape of the gall bladder approximated a solid with elliptical sections , the excentricity depending on that at the level of the greatest transverse section .
26 The whole orderly structure of argument and assumption of course depended on slave-owners seeing the force of and benefit to them of these laws of development .
27 During the plague of 1603 rumours were fathered on him and John Dee [ q.v. ] to the effect that its future course depended on the imminent fall of a planet to earth .
28 Left : All five of the brightly coloured villages in Disney 's Caribbean Beach Resort sit on the edge of a huge lake , with beautiful sandy white beaches .
29 It was quite usual to see her standing there baking , one knee on a cushion placed on a stool , to ease the pain .
30 However , since the presence of the deceased on the premises was in direct contravention of an express instruction issued by the brewery to their manager , the brewery were not liable ; his permission to remain on the premises had ceased at closing time , 10.30 p.m .
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