Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 Lack of funds through University cut-backs along with his own lack of paper qualifications made it impossible for the Universities to continue employing him .
2 All configurations can be ordered from the board level up .
3 This means that if the calculations you give exclude the tail , another 48″ of fish should be removed to bring the stocking level down to a manageable size .
4 Put the needle protection strip back on to the bed , making sure that the ‘ 0 ’ on the strip comes exactly opposite the centre ‘ rivet ’ on the machine .
5 And erm , we hardly got to see as much of each other , because we were like , in this group of ten people , and then , and so like one time we skied off piste , and we just had this massive snowball fight off piste , it was like really funny .
6 It was intended to cover two-thirds of the East German budget deficit up to the end of 1994 .
7 To keep the budget deficit down , the government proposed to sell off shares and property valued at around 1,000 million kroner .
8 A Thames Valley spokesman said : ‘ It was like a skating rink out there . ’
9 See lot lot of these jobs are done by the tide , say you take a ship now what 's been sunk in the river , at low tide they 'll put the wires underneath , make them fast to the ships and when the tide when the t t tide rise out come the ship , and they can take it where they want to .
10 I retrieved the case notes for as many patients as possible who had been registered locally as having died of asthma during 1980–9 ( 21 case notes out of 40 in total ) .
11 The cells would have to expend energy , in the form of adenosine triphosphate ( ATP ) , in order to pump hydrogen ions out of the cell .
12 However , it is only open to those who already hold the overpriced asset and so relies on this group of investors trading sufficient assets to move the relative prices of the shares in the index and index futures back into line .
13 As much chance of Rory Collins tracking Jessica down , of even bothering .
14 I guess it is mildly amusing to see Bolan 's head emerge ghostlike from Elton John 's piano as the guesting Reg hammers out ‘ Children Of The Revolution ’ , though probably not for the right reasons and certainly not enough to detract from the leaden weight of the music .
15 and the thread bit on I do n't do it all the time look you 've got half a sense mind half a strong common sense
16 Cleo took the velvet poison bag and the money pouch out of her drawer , together with a handful of stockings , and stuffed them into an old leather holdall in which she 'd formerly kept a collection of limbs , torsos and heads from broken porcelain dolls .
17 Anyhow we was supposed to , they set a field kitchen up in the farmyard to , as part of the exercise , to feed us er and er they handed out some meat pies , you know , we just had one ta oh taste and well
18 Her French visitors Jacques and Sophie keep their fur hats on in bed .
19 A ten week preparation course on to the Open University programme leading to the diploma in Health and Social Welfare starts .
20 It is those that will not that need a lot of preliminary experience building up to the Big Event .
21 Simulated annealing uses random perturbations to shake the parameter values out of a local optimum so that globally optimal values may be found .
22 Darlington and District Vehicle Inspectorate , who carried out the incognito tests , have now put three MOT garages out of action and banned eight MOT testers from testing more cars .
23 In fact the members took it to a European court and spent a lot of their own money — twenty five thousand pounds — to try and get a discrimination judgement out of the European court , which failed at the last hurdle really , we think on political grounds really .
24 No I do n't need the rail , I do n't the rail money in er Cos I presume if you pay the seven quid you 'll be more or less committed then to paying the I 'll I 'll get the rail money a bit later than .
25 It will be appreciated that the signal to noise problems inherent in detecting and analysing 300 base pairs out of 3 billion ( 1 in 10 ) are very much alleviated after 30 cycles of polymerase chain reaction , when 10 copies of the 300 base pair fragment are present for every single copy of the total genomic DNA background .
26 The gardener bowerbird , for example , constructs the most remarkably complicated , hut-like bower , while the golden bowerbird builds a maypole bower up to 3 m ( 10 ft ) high , gluing the sticks together with fungus and then decorating the whole structure with fruit , flowers and moss .
27 But they have n't put the skirting board back or any
28 By some unspoken agreement they settled quietly together to watch the night fall and the heavy tide thunder in .
29 But , he adds : ‘ There is an enormous advantage in building change on to something that is already known and respected .
30 With the TriAxis , you can leave it rigged okay , but if the battery dies in your transmitter you ca n't whip a jack straight into an overriding front panel socket , because there is n't one ; you 'd have to unplug the receiver from the rear input and plug your guitar cable in round the back .
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