Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] came " in BNC.

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1 Sunset had been grand but remote , like listening to a radio signal from some distant country with only a weak transmitter : when a surfer caught a wave or came to grief , you had to filter out a lot of static and strain to follow what was happening .
2 If you 've got a boy of 12 or 14 and he missed his tea or came home acting strangely you would know , ’ the woman said .
3 It is tempting to wonder what Smart 's genius could have been had he not been tormented by madness ; but perhaps without the enhanced perception that came with illness , he would not have written at all .
4 The computer , to cite another example , required no fewer than six separate strands of knowledge : binary arithmetic ; Charles Babbage 's conception of a calculating machine in the first half of the nineteenth century ; the punch card , invented by Herman Hollerith for the US census of 1890 ; the audion tube , an electronic switch invented in 1906 ; symbolic logic , which was created between 1910 and 1913 by Bertrand Russell and Alfred North Whitehead ; and the concepts of programming and feedback that came out of abortive attempts during World War I to develop effective anti-aircraft guns .
5 She was still bent to the Dobermann when she discovered that she needed a moment to control a knot of emotion that came from the thought that she would see neither the dog nor its owner again .
6 The sense of disappointment that hangs over the rest of his career reflects the loss of nerve that came from finding that , at the moment when his career seemed to be taking off , there were no opportunities to build on what he had achieved .
7 And every time I told him I could n't hear voices , you should have seen the look of disappointment that came into his face .
8 The freshmen , on Middlesex , were named after Foinavon , the 100-1 outsider that came through to win the National after most of the runners had fallen .
9 But the croak that came out of his parched throat was hardly recognisable .
10 He had got restlessly to his feet and was leaning over the green wooden railing that came to waist height at the edge of the veranda , but after a suppressed exclamation he wheeled to face his sister again .
11 I agree , sometimes I can tell you I have witnessed a hunt and on a cold , frosty morning when er about forty or fifty horses are thundering across the ploughed field , it 's enough to p the power of that sight is enough to make the hairs on the back of your neck stand up that 's not what we are against the hunter that came to me and says Eh up lad , I wo n't go drag hunting because I 'm sixty years old , I 've done it all my life and I like the ride , I like to be there I never see a fox killed that 's fact , it 's in the video .
12 The driver of the first car that came by asked us for directions : we laughed and said we were flying , not driving !
13 Meredith hastily curbed her natural friendliness , reminding herself that she was n't at home now , gossiping to strangers and leaping into any car that came down the lane .
14 right , right what I see as an interesting possibility the papers that we got in this week from Telford College that came to me
15 And they had what they called a floating shop , you know just a bit of a s a boat that came , Oh I think it was once a week , and they used to go and get supplies off of it .
16 And then every boat that came in , it depended how many cases of oranges or whatever it was apples or whatever it .
17 He had withdrawn there on the advice of several people ( including myself ) that Downing Street was an impossible place for anyone whose curiosity extended to seeing every telegram that came in at whatever time of the day or night .
18 But in the long term he opened the way to the great revolution in industry that came with the advances on his original idea , made by such as James Watt and Richard Trevithick ( qq.v . ) .
19 In the light that came from these he could see a rough plank table and three chairs and in the darkest corner a bed of stretched hides on which was curled up something darker still , a bundle the size of an old woman .
20 He could see by the dark light that came down from the night sky , a sky that glowed with vivid city lights , that on stands in nearby cages other eagles were listening to his story and staring at him silently .
21 Once there , Maria let her robe slide from her shoulders before stepping quickly out of her pants while Luke undressed swiftly , tantalising shadows playing over his flesh , revealed and then tormentingly concealed as he moved in and out of the circle of soft golden light that came from the lamp at one side of her low , wide bed .
22 She crouched there , her eyes , enormous in her white features , fixed on the light that came steadily closer .
23 He inspected the blood that came off on his hand and swore again .
24 ‘ As for the terms in which St Paul expressed it — well , there you are he used any sort of figure that came to hand : he picked up a rhetorical metaphor from a cynic preaching in the market … .
25 What he had n't counted on was the tunnel effect of putting five together and pointing them into a wind that came more or less straight from the Urals after turning left over Norway .
26 What these men gained in return was the prestige and professional recognition that came from practising at one of the teaching hospitals .
27 He was interrupted by a polite cough that came from the doorway , and they turned to see Ling , who had arrived in time to hear Silas 's last words .
28 Similarly , when the left-wing News-on-Sunday faltered in 1987 , it was not a political institution that came to its , albeit temporary , rescue but a Northern businessman , Owen Oyston .
29 Beckmann was a latecomer to modernism ; it was not until after the First World War that he turned noticeably to the sharply outlined Expressionism that came to typify his work .
30 But at that moment their creaking conveyance gave a sudden fearsome jerk and came to a dead stop .
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