Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] was " in BNC.

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1 Were you speaking to about another ghost story or was that the one ?
2 Erm from you from your experience in the , the negotiating of that , that kind of er deal and just from what you saw of it working in factories , er do you think that management quite explicitly sought to , to create some division or was the division that arose wh you 're talking about the fitters being on a different scheme from the other members of the workforce ?
3 The local manager came down , the provincial manager , and er made the award or was present when the award was made by the T U C C , and er a presentation was , took place on the platform , and er my wife and I had a weekend , we er we er , we had a weekend in er in York .
4 Why do you think your relationship with Richard Burton was so fiery — was it temperament or was it just the booze ?
5 Did you do it in the cabin or was there a bed made up in the back ?
6 A Kelmscott Chaucer with an estimate of £4,000-£5,000 either did not reach its reserve or was withdrawn .
7 Was that due to personal experience or was it
8 What sort of person would she have been , I 'm I 'm wondering whether she would be doing this for money or was she be doing it because she really cared about people .
9 Was it I mean when the actual decision was made to ge to get rid of that property that was there prior to the flats , was that a controversial decision or was it welcomed by local people who ?
10 Was it heroism or was it , as Marlow suggests , ‘ his exalted egoism ’ that brought about the death of Lord Jim ?
11 Was the reservation letter received by him merely a promise as to the future or was it a statement of present fact ?
12 ‘ Like , you 're the kind of person I 'd like to talk to if I just had a fight with my girlfriend or was in trouble with the law or something . ’
13 Er what was it you went for , the wrestling tape or was that what it was ?
14 And er the War ended as you know in November eighteen and er when the War came to an end the the Government introduced a form of service whereas if er we youngsters volunteered say if you volunteered for two year they gave you twenty pound and two months leave you see , if you volunteered for three year they gave you forty pound or was it thirty , thirty forty , and er three months leave .
15 And were your involvement the decision to carry out the search or was your involvement the operational search ?
16 At p. 332 it appears to be envisaged that it will depend upon the question whether the label switching was dishonest and coupled with the other elements of the offence of theft or was due to a perverted sense of humour .
17 In the recent House of Lords judgment in the aptly named Savage case , the court ruled that a person can be guilty of actual bodily harm regardless of whether she — in that case — intended any harm or was reckless about causing harm , so long as she intended the assault .
18 The prosecution are not obliged to prove that the defendant intended to cause some actual bodily harm or was reckless as to whether such harm would be caused .
19 If a third party has harmed the child , therefore , the statutory criteria will only be met if a reasonable parent would have acted to prevent the harm or was unable to do so because of his lack of control over the child .
20 Did the decision extend to all negligently caused economic loss or was it confined to economic loss sustained in consequence of physical harm ?
21 The strongest argument in favour of the taxpayers is the anomaly which would arise if the employer 's business were running at a loss or was subsidised by endowment .
22 We found that sodium nitroprusside given before CCK produced a shiftin the pressure dose-response curve of the gall bladder that was opposite to that produced by the NO synthase inhibitors .
23 — where ‘ Trinacria ’ , the ancient Greek name for Sicily , is related to the legend of how Vulcan the divine smith , somewhere in the island , solved the problem of perpetual motion , by a wheel with three dogleg spokes , its never ceasing to roll recalling the wheel that was the hellish and interminable torment of Ixion .
24 On top was the Queen with Princess Anne in a pushchair and Paul McCartney as Dad , and here was one I had near the beginning about being in a space-ship — Brian and me were weightless and floating around , and what we had to do was to get some stability by getting hold of this firework , a sort of Catherine wheel that was going round and round and showering sparks in our faces , so we closed our eyes and a fire-fanged beast roared flames at us and burned a hole in the space-ship and I fell , still with my eyes tight shut , out into the bottomless black void .
25 If God can not be identified with man as a product of evolution , and thereby given a credible definition , then any effort to create a new and successful conception of God will founder on the same rocks of contention that have wrecked every religion that was ever believed in .
26 It is neo-paganism , or a revival of the pre-Christian religion that was practised here hundreds of years ago .
27 It seems to have been a religion that was in transition , which may explain some startling contradictions or apparent contradictions .
28 In terms of penalty-area action that was about it .
29 We may scoff at the sort of community action that was represented by ducking-stools and pillories , by ‘ sending to Coventry ’ and by , in its extremest form , lynch law .
30 There was a need for concerted action that was not evidence of weakness but of ‘ confidence and strength ’ .
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