Example sentences of "[noun sg] [adv] made " in BNC.

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1 Politicians know full well that a good decision badly made can be disastrous .
2 This is hardly surprising , since ultimately the responsibility for the decision eventually made , and its consequences , will fall to them .
3 that the order was in the circumstances of this case properly made by the registrar .
4 There was an unexpected sense of achievement , as of a decision sensibly made .
5 And you have the framework of your story ready made for you , a great help to the beginner .
6 The deluge of letters that continued to arrive in the Social Work Department eventually made personal replies an impossible task for the Department .
7 9.13 Tenant 's property If after the Tenant has vacated the Premises on the expiry of the Term any property of the Tenant remains in or on the Premises and the Tenant fails to remove it within [ 7 ] days after being requested in writing by the Landlord to do so or if after using [ its ] best endeavours the Landlord is unable to make such a request to the Tenant within [ 14 ] days from the first attempt so made by the Landlord :
8 But such reconciliatory action only made matters worse , reawakening hostilities in the Marne .
9 The report in the Bude and Stratton Post , headlined MAROONED ON ROCK only made things worse .
10 Viscose : A synthetic fabric normally made from wood fibres .
11 He went out to Nigeria in 1900 with his mind already made up to employ such a system , once he had conquered the country .
12 This is without a doubt the greatest drug movie ever made .
13 ‘ It was the greatest movie ever made . ’
14 Although they too nominally subscribed to Calvinist theology , it seems unlikely that the doctrine of predestination ever made more than the most superficial inroads into their collective consciousness .
15 Cubitt 's greatest savagery was reserved for the ‘ Meeting-House Gallery ’ ’ which he described as ‘ about the crudest attempt ever made at providing seats for a certain number of people over the heads of the rest ’ , a ‘ failure practically , and a horror artistically ’ , ‘ uncouth ’ and a ‘ gigantic misfit ’ .
16 During the war , the conical Triumph nib arrived , still regarded as the finest nib ever made .
17 However , in 1913 foreign investment still made up 25% of the money invested in Russian industry .
18 Tom King claimed that the proposal could generate two to three thousand jobs , especially in the construction industry , as well as having other beneficial effects in expanding the local economy : ‘ The injection of £400 to £500 million of private capital would be a major demonstration of confidence in the province and the largest private investment ever made ( sic ) ’ .
19 With a combined capital expenditure of £1.4 billion , it would also represent the largest single investment ever made in Wales .
20 Themes are set : The worst live album ever made ; most embarrassing incident during school ; films you have walked out of and why .
21 The Merseyside musician acknowledged as one of today 's finest brass players had the instrument specially made in her honour by the Miraphone Company .
22 Stokowski 's account of the Sibelius Fourth Symphony was the first recording of the piece ever made .
23 At first Stuart had been excited by the sight of an occasional fish rising out of the sluggish water , but later he 'd grown bored because he was too small to row successfully , and trailing his hands over the side apparently disturbed the fish ; baling out with the old saucepan also made too much noise .
24 The new tariff also made payment of war debts by European countries to the USA more difficult since it prevented them from selling more goods to America than they bought from the new world .
25 The collapse of communist rule also made possible the revival of Czechoslovakia 's religious communities .
26 Wirtz and Lapointe , on the other hand , concentrate on research problems in relation to policy development , recommending that specific studies be carried out in association with the general testing programme ( a recommendation also made by Gipps ( 1982 ) in relation to the APU ) .
27 A linguistic point was made in the course of the review — that Julian Ormerod 's lounge-bar slang is ‘ continuous , in a way , with Patrick 's cool utterance ’ — and the review also made out that Ormerod 's overdone good heart is continuous , in a way , with Jenny 's .
28 The State President also made a commitment to review covert funding operations .
29 Praised for being economical and concise while offering a clear definition of mental illness and its own activities , its second ever entry also made effective use of colour and included a prioritised , strategic plan .
30 Their self-image was that of the chosen few for whom the spectacle provided an inexhaustible supply of objects ( and people ) to hate , and whilst the apparent ease with which they targeted and disposed of their opposition often made good copy ( the endless adventure , the scandal , etc. ) , there is a sense in which the hectoring tone of their documents became repetitive and wearisome .
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