Example sentences of "[not/n't] fooled " in BNC.

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1 The truth may be that in the long run , as Lincoln thought , people are not fooled .
2 She was not fooled for an instant nor so cut off from news that she had not heard that war was in the air again .
3 I 'm not fooled by things like aprons . ’
4 However , Walter 's friend is not fooled and , drawing a seat and offering tea , whispers pointedly , ‘ Bonjour Mademoiselle ’ .
5 In spite of my debilitated state , I was not fooled .
6 When we look at a house in the distance and we see a small house — say half an inch high — surrounded by trees two inches high , we are not fooled into perceiving them as small .
7 The Secretary of State for Energy , Mr Nigel Lawson , had not fooled them with his praise for the fast reactor two days earlier ; for his action , to delay the work all but indefinitely , spoke louder than his words .
8 Although he had removed all trace of labelling from the cassette the Duty Men were not fooled .
9 The three parties , or whatever fucking parties are standing in this election , we 're not fooled by those fucking wankers .
10 Of course , I was not fooled .
11 But the 7,500 punters at Manchester 's G-Mex Centre were not fooled — there was scattered booing after the ninth and 10th rounds over Eubank 's inability to deck this human punchbag .
12 His eighth point is another that we have been pushing — that Gerstner should not fooled into thinking the ‘ services ’ business will automatically become IBM 's saviour .
13 Once again , says Mr Teicher , he at least was not fooled : in 1979 he wrote a report describing the horribleness of the Iraqi dictator and explaining the threat he posed to American interests .
14 Although I insisted to the referee that the goal should stand because I had sent Pahdra on as substitute , the ref was not fooled , especially as Mr Singh was still wearing his dufflecoat and brogues .
15 I 'm not fooled . ’
16 Not fooled ; not fooled .
17 Not fooled ; not fooled .
18 Not fooled , she thought , not fooled .
19 Not fooled , she thought , not fooled .
20 ‘ And I 'm not fooled now . ’
21 ‘ Lovely , is it ? ’ he echoed , not fooled at all .
22 He 's had plenty of dealing with your sort — he 's not fooled for one minute and neither am I ! ’
23 Clare was not fooled by any of this , although Sue certainly was , and Bryony seemed to be coming round .
24 The Americans were not fooled by the papers .
25 Well , I 'm not fooled that easily .
26 Swiss not fooled !
27 The Aston Villa manager , whose team can confirm their new favouritism for the crown by building on a two-point lead at the top , insists he is not fooled by Walker 's apparent concession of the title after Norwich 's 3-0 defeat at Wimbledon on Saturday .
28 Montgomery was n't fooled at all .
29 The old gag had n't fooled them for a minute .
30 ‘ I was n't fooled then , ’ said Emma , smiling at him .
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