Example sentences of "[art] mentally " in BNC.

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1 The enormities of the Hitler regime and the Holocaust opened up many fields of research into the workings of minds not only of fanatics but also of the mentally disoriented or diseased .
2 It is , as I noted at the time , a peculiar fact that most laymen who have had responsibility for the health service have interested themselves personally to a preponderant extent in the case of the mentally afflicted , both the mentally ill and the mentally handicapped .
3 It is , as I noted at the time , a peculiar fact that most laymen who have had responsibility for the health service have interested themselves personally to a preponderant extent in the case of the mentally afflicted , both the mentally ill and the mentally handicapped .
4 It is , as I noted at the time , a peculiar fact that most laymen who have had responsibility for the health service have interested themselves personally to a preponderant extent in the case of the mentally afflicted , both the mentally ill and the mentally handicapped .
5 And all the rest of humanity which offended you , too : Jews , gipsies , the mentally handicapped , Poles , Russians — the Untermensch — — the subhuman , subhuman because they did not have blue eyes and blond hair , white skin or , that vaguest , and because most vague , most potent of myths , the right blood .
6 She has turned into a champion of the underdog , gone out on a limb to support unglamorous causes like AIDS victims , drug abusers and the mentally handicapped .
7 A white paper is expected at the end of this month in response to the Griffiths Report , which recommended that authorities be given greater responsibility for the mentally handicapped .
8 A recent ( and the first ) report by the Social Services Inspectorate on day services for the mentally handicapped finds much to criticise .
9 Hitherto there had been no provision for the mentally afflicted poor ; only licensed ‘ mad houses , , run on a private basis , which could only be used by those whose relations could afford them .
10 Other kinds of sexual assault are classified in English law as buggery , attempted buggery or rape , or indecent assault , and there are also offences against young people and the mentally disordered .
11 Such offences attack the principle of freedom of choice in sexual matters , and this , together with the punishment of those who exploit the young , the mentally handicapped , and those for whom they have responsibility , should form the bedrock of the scheme of offences .
12 Even so , working with the mentally ill is not easy .
13 In a survey of carers and schizophrenia sufferers , the police got the best ratings for care of the mentally ill , followed by GPs , psychiatrists , and social workers
14 Miller found himself playing the role of her doctor , manager , analyst and trouble-shooter with an increasingly frustrated , impatient and high-handed Olivier , who was having marital problems himself with the mentally troubled Vivien Leigh , who had just announced a miscarriage at the age of forty-one .
15 Inside the Reich , worrying stories leaked out about the mentally ill and incurably sick being gassed in asylums ; the regime 's anti-Christian thrust was unmistakable again in the reopened struggle with , especially , the Catholic Church ; and attacks on the conservative forces in army and State , and the defamation of civil servants and judges , reflected the strengthening of the forces of naked power and repression as ordered administration and the remnants of the constitutional State were undermined by the expanding network of the Security Police .
16 But the department spokesman said the money should come from a community care grant to local authorities for the mentally ill .
17 Councils receive a special community care grant for the mentally ill .
18 When the Government postponed the introduction of community care in all services until 1993 , it made an exception of the mentally ill because of the pressing need to act swiftly .
19 He has also used computers in therapy with the mentally ill , and finds that learning basic PC packages , such as word processing , databases and spreadsheets , gives a great boost to their self-esteem .
20 I am expected to do most of the work including taking care of him ( the mentally retarded boy ) which is very hard with all my school-work too .
21 However , the National Development Group for the Mentally Handicapped ( 1977 ) provided a major lead when they recommended the creation of Community Mental Handicap Teams ( CMHTs ) .
22 By creating a few developmental teams covering comparatively large areas , Nottinghamshire had also departed radically from the National Development Group for the Mentally Handicapped ( 1977 ) model of a CMHT .
23 A period of decline was experienced by Chiswick House through the Crimean War also the Great War of 1914 to 1918 , and after a succession of occupants it became a private asylum for the mentally ill .
24 Thomas married one of the daughters of Dr. John Conolly ( under whom he had studied the ‘ non-restraint ’ system of treatment for the mentally ill ) at the then new Middlesex County Asylum at Hanwell .
25 ‘ You ca n't really want the handicapped , the mentally dull , the physically frail to reproduce themselves ad infinitum ?
26 The mentally handicapped are part of our disabled community .
27 It may mean that the mentally handicapped child will be dependent on other people , including its parents , more than the average child .
28 It may mean that the mentally handicapped child will require special educational needs in order that its full potential be realised , extending to the teaching of social as well as academic skills .
29 It may mean that the mentally handicapped adult will not be able to engage in as productive a job as an adult with a higher level of intelligence .
30 Although such tests are not universally standard , and will only be capable of identifying certain types of mental handicap , they do introduce the possibility of the mother having an abortion to dispose of the mentally handicapped foetus .
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