Example sentences of "[prep] immense " in BNC.

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1 This was a case of Gentlemen versus Players in the golden age when such distinctions still applied and when it was obvious to anyone with an eighth of an intelligence that no paid journeyman could ever begin to compare with the rapier-like ‘ amateurs ’ who flitted with effortless superiority , solving one crime after another with a brilliant insouciance which was the dismay of the criminal fraternity , the envy of the constabulary , and a source of immense satisfaction to most of the upper middle class , especially those with an aptitude for the Times crossword .
2 Today these are still of immense import , with men deriding those in another division or section , bragging that their villains are the toughest or their section tasks more numerous and arduous .
3 To my contemporaries then at this time , a helmet was possessed of immense symbolic importance .
4 For all his organisational and business efficiency , he was a man of immense personal charm and dignity : ‘ Well-dressed , aristocratic , calm , and with a ready and reassuring smile , ’ it was said .
5 We need to take good note of this , for it is an aspect of Leonard 's life , little stressed to be sure , at times perhaps deliberately down-played , that is of immense significance to him .
6 There is a point here of immense importance for the understanding of Leonard which he shares with Layton ( who preferred to be regarded as a poet-prophet in the Hebrew tradition ) .
7 But perhaps the biggest thing in popular music took place in 1948 when the LP was introduced ; an innovation of immense importance for the industry and public alike , and not least for Leonard who set about acquiring an enviable collection .
8 So these beginning years focused on reality — the underbelly of creation as well as its brightness — which was of immense importance to the making of the man and his mind .
9 This was a city to get lost in , to come alive in , a city of immense contrasts , warmth and vitality .
10 His is in some ways a tragic case : a man of immense talent and massive erudition , gifted with profound insights , who could not say the things he most wanted to say but who , nevertheless , has gone on to say them .
11 The Foster 's World Club Challenge , attended by 30,786 , proved , however , two things other than that the competition deserves to continue : the best of Britain can live with the best of Australia ; and Widnes are a team of immense character .
12 In a multicultural society , we must not allow our idolatry of art and literature to obscure issues of immense social and political significance .
13 Not only are the results of such ‘ on site ’ studies of immense value for what we assume they tell us about the role of our body clock in affecting mental performance , but they also serve two further roles .
14 A booklet which is issued by ISIS , called ‘ Questions to Ask When You Visit a School ’ , may be of immense value to you .
15 The grain trade was — and is — of immense importance to the United States , and to its relation with the Soviet Union .
16 This ‘ visual ’ language is of immense use .
17 Mrs Girdlestone 's face changed : brightening and softening , transformed by an expression of immense relief .
18 They are things of immense significance , and have to be done properly .
19 Not detailed plans of a Party programme , but his role as the embodiment of a cosmic struggle against irreconcilable internal and external enemies of immense power and magnitude ultimately bound the Party faithful to Hitler .
20 One only has to look at the woodcuts of Henri II 's entry into Rouen in 1550 — which Mary very probably witnessed — to get a breath-taking impression of the splendour of royal pageantry , with the king himself riding on a chariot of immense size and grandeur , accompanied by heavily caparisoned elephants .
21 An example of a unique sequence , of immense improbability , evolving from a random one in the laboratory will be discussed in the last chapter .
22 A three-storeyed neo-classical frontage of immense length , the ground level is in grey stone , the upper storeys in pale ochre .
23 Then again , Daniel Barenboim 's life-story reads a bit like one of Mann 's celebrated Bildungsromans — for it is the tale of a prodigy of immense talent and ambition who has been repeatedly subjected to Job-like tests of his emotional mettle .
24 In lock Craig Yendell , of Bath , and No 8 Richard Hill , of Salisbury , England had forwards of immense potential while half-backs Gary Becconsall ( Bristol ) and skipper Paul Burke ( Loughborough University ) were smooth operators .
25 Moreover , unlike those West Indian teams who dominated the Tests of 1976 , 1980 , 1984 and 1988 , Pakistan can augment a four-pronged fast bowling attack comprising Waqar , Wasim Akram , Aqib Javed and Imran Khan with a young leg-spinner of immense flair in Mushtaq Ahmed .
26 In retrospect , we can see Charles as a man of immense energy ; we know from chronicles that he slept lightly and that he commenced state work very early in the morning , judging litigants in his private chamber .
27 The result was that a great deal of effort went into recording the habitats seen to be under threat , and the material collated within the Symposium volume ( Boyd , 1979b ) proved to be of immense value .
28 Barth , Karl ( 1886–1968 ) A Swiss theologian of immense reputation ( known in some circles as a Protestant Aquinas ! ) ,
29 What he 's doing might be considered unfortunate for the baby — though I 'm not sure it is — but it could be of immense value to humanity as a whole . ’
30 Berret , as was his sergeant Harris , was a man of immense physical proportions .
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