Example sentences of "[unc] [subord] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 He then said , right you ring Dennis , get the stockpiles and wha Cos apparently Paul used to flag them .
2 I wonder if I could answer that in a in a different way because clearly rather there 's the option , rather than reduction the operational capability which was really the er initiative that had begun in nineteen ninety two , there is the option of course of er adjusting the total numbers and that would er have an overall bearing on the total programme cost but cert because certainly the judgement of the er the chiefs of staff was that er as far as the U K was concerned then we we should retain the operational capability as I explained earlier an n and not decrease it in any significant extent because if we did that then we could end up er with an inferior capability against a potential threat .
3 But er given the er the position in terms of there is a policy statement in the structure plan which refers to the A sixty one and A fifty nine relief roads , er if it 's going to be helpful then e as well as the er A fifty nine , then it would be appropriate to show the western relief road rather than a series of er of arrows , to similarly show that I think we 'd have to show that as two st two er stars or arrows rather than one because we would need to er indicate both to the north and south of the A fifty nine .
4 After 1981 government opinion shifted in favour of focusing on the monetary base , as this is more easily controlled by the authorities , and after 1984 the government started targeting M0 as well as M3 in its medium-term financial strategy .
5 In fact , all that is required is that , when calculating θ as above , we restrict case ( b ) to feasible forward variables .
6 And I have a sister-in-law who used to play for a women 's football team so she 's very interested and a as soon as there 's a big game on , on the satellite they all come round and it 's sort of into the kitchen you can make the the half time
7 Well a as soon as she gave me this erm protective thing to wear and and then told me that I was grown up and every .
8 So , it was , it was , I , a as soon as I knew I 'd be teaching this I thought the only way
9 Well would you perhaps like to give them a , a ring to , to say what I spoke about today then I 'll give them a ring , say if you could ring them tomorrow then I 'll ring them er er tomorrow evening a as well and then perhaps I can , you know , they , you 've given them the ground work to actually er for me to ring as well and then I can discuss with him and arrange an appointment to go and see him is that okay ?
10 correct management they should be able to profit from the forests you know a as well replenish them .
11 It is generally true that/u/ may occur in languages that do not have/y/ , but if a language has/y/ it normally has/u/ as well .
12 Nevertheless , there is an element of incongruity here since the requirement of fitness for purpose is made the basis of s14(2) as well as s14(3). ( e ) Merchantability and quality The emphasis in s14(6) upon function and purpose can in one sense be regarded as undermining an important element in merchantability , namely , quality .
13 I would respectfully agree with his description , in relation to dishonest actions , of appropriation as involving an act by way of adverse interference with or usurpation of the owner 's rights , but I believe that the less aggressive definition of appropriation which I have put forward fits the word as used in an honest sense in section 2(1) as well as elsewhere in the Act .
14 In Germany 's socially responsible political climate he sees F1 as only ‘ helping to destroy our reputation ’ .
15 My old inspector who 's now been and gone , came from Newark , and he said that there was far more trouble within the public houses in Newark , er than ever there was here and he came here , imagining the problem to be a lot worse .
16 They are becoming a lot more common , yes when you look in the report and accounts there are far , far more of these deferred pensioners there than er than ever used to exist and it 's something which I must admit we have n't given a lot of thought to yet , but it 's something because it 's growing that we will have to address erm in our federation , we will have to address that problem .
17 Well er to me it does n't matter s er that much , what I 'm concerned about is that this is a matter of public interest , it should n't just be a matter of professional interest and it 's for these reasons I think the government should take a rather more lively interest er than perhaps it does .
18 Erm and that may be one of the way is which apparently affectionate abuse , if you can call it that , erm may be er in some ways more difficult to deal with than er than more frankly violent abuse .
19 Cos in one respect I 'd rather do what I think is enough but er than too much and then feel like a bloated little
20 Sometimes new tooling and equipment er and as I said before , a craftsman always looks to see if he can do a particular job better , if not somewhat easier er than hitherto .
21 devoted to the question of of of road transport and its limitations and erm er although again I mean there was no particular mention to any party other than the Government , erm it it certainly seemed to be taking a very critical view of of road transport and it does seem to be spreading now .
22 We 're out there riding as hard as we can and if that gives any of the supporters any sort of er consolation , I do n't know if it does or not , but it — we 're really giving our best all the time and er win , lose or draw you 'll always find us every time we 've got a doing our best and er although often some people might shout and scream and give us a hard time , er it 's not for , for lack of trying , I mean nobody wants to finish last and er me even more than most , so just get behind us and shout and scream and we 'll try our hardest .
23 Thank you Mr Mayor erm I think for a for a tory councillor er if even form the shape of er .
24 Very irritating because er if only I 'd approached David earlier as I 'd intended to .
25 In my concern as Chairman of the Board was that er if very few people turned up then perhaps people might say that we did n't go around go about advertising it in the correct way what I think we actually did I 'm not sure how many people are here this evening , but I should think it 's somewhere in the region of about hundred and , hundred and fifty , so I hope that the meeting this evening sort of cross representation people actually use facilities which the playhouse offers .
26 There were no strike pay , you just had a promissory note that er if ever they got any money they 'd pay you , you see ?
27 And and as a matter of fact he if er if ever you went to see him about anything and said , What about this , Les ?
28 Er er if ever
29 And , er if indeed a deal has been done , is it worth it , to get those three British people out ?
30 All the different schools had er cos then we had , used to compete against er all sports and we used to get an afternoon football we used to march from up to the and erm play football but we did n't go up there until at half-time at erm play-time so they went to school at two o'clock and at half past three then that 'd be our break , then we 'd go up to erm football till five o'clock .
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