Example sentences of "[modal v] have on " in BNC.

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1 What place HIV/AIDS and child sexual abuse should have on qualifying and post-qualifying courses is another area of difficulty .
2 as if conscious of the damaging effect this group must have on the imagined relationship between the Poet and the Friend , damaging to the Poet and damaging to the reader 's view of both the Friend and the Poet ( ‘ why does he persevere ? ’ readers may ask in some irritation when confronted with such a catalogue of the Friend 's faults ) , Shakespeare sets matters even by writing what seems to be a related group where the Poet describes his own faults ( 109 , 110 , 111 , 112 ; 117 , 118 , 119 , 120 ) .
3 It seemed to her she must have on every piece of jewellery the family owned .
4 she must have on the christening
5 Well , about the Caribbean , er but with particular reference to what the new European unity law will , what effect it 'll have on trade in that part of the world .
6 ( d ) You 'll have on your file a permanent record of the title and all its principal features in a much more manageable form than that of an abstract ; your notes will remain with your papers for future reference ; and from them at a later date you should be able , if necessary , to answer any questions or difficulties that may arise .
7 That 's what it 'll have on it .
8 Yeah , I wonder what cartoons they 'll have on tomorrow for the kid 's holiday ah ?
9 This leaflet tries to answer some of the questions you might have on giving to ACET by covenant .
10 This leaflet tries to answer some of the questions you might have on giving to ACET through the Gift Aid scheme .
11 Short-term benefits derive from crime prevention amongst the young and an improvement in their perception of the police , which it is hoped will have residual effects in the long term when they are adults , but the wider community in Easton is only addressed secondarily as parents or guardians , which limits the short-term effects the programme might have on improving its perception of the police .
12 Moreover , neighbourhood police expressed a sensitivity to the effect which these casual encounters might have on the safety of those they talked to ‘ for you do n't know who 's watching ’ .
13 ‘ You was breathing fire and brimstone ! ’ she guessed , well knowing the effect a Puck Fair fortune-telling might have on a customer .
14 But the FA 's reply confirmed that they would not allow the match to take place because they were worried about the effect it might have on the pitch .
15 Ingredients for products McDonald 's might have on trial are not included .
16 The first lay in the effect it might have on teaching and learning and the second in too great a concentration of power in the hands of the government of the day and especially with one person , the Secretary of State .
17 Was she aware of the effect her large , amber-coloured eyes , her curving red lips , might have on a man ?
18 One can easily overlook the effect this might have on individuals .
19 What follows is a consideration of a few vital food elements outlining their importance to the health of older people , and looking at the effect that dietary deficiency might have on what have hitherto been considered normal factors in the ageing process .
20 It was said to be Philip who chose to send his sons to Gordonstoun , regardless of the effects the school 's strict regime might have on them — a regime that might , along with their father 's exacting standards , have contributed to their inability to sustain loving relationships .
21 During yesterday 's emotion-charged appearance on Granada 's This Morning show , Keith — a self-confessed workaholic who has n't had a holiday for eight years — told how he was terrified by his situation and the impact it might have on his career .
22 Population attributable risk provides an indication of the impact that controlling a causal factor might have on the incidence of sudden infant death syndrome .
23 Whatever personal designs Robert the Bruce might have on the throne , he was unlikely to achieve them without some mutual agreement .
24 In chapter 1 , for instance , we considered the effect which different theories of understanding might have on certain sceptical arguments ; and a theory of understanding is only a theory of meaning under another name .
25 But the relevance of the question perhaps becomes more obvious if one considers a few examples of the kind of indirect or hidden influence that higher education might have on the culture .
26 She was also worried about the effect which the publicity might have on W. 's younger brother as well as on W. herself .
27 On 7 June an emergency meeting of the NSFU Executive was held at which Father Charles Hopkins , standing in for the absent Havelock Wilson , pointed out the disastrous financial effects which participation in such a stoppage might have on the union and the peril in which it might stand in respect of its hard won provincial settlements .
28 Terry Sangwin , the nurse manager for the medical unit , thought staff in the hospital still needed much more information about what would happen , and she feared the planners did n't realise the impact community care might have on acute hospitals .
29 We will go on to consider possibilities offered by different types of TV and film material you might have on video .
30 We believe the need to consider the impact that refusing to permit minerals applications might have on local economies is adequately covered by the requirement to demonstrate they are ‘ in the public interest ’ ( MPG6 , paragraph 63 ) .
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