Example sentences of "[modal v] be [n mass] " in BNC.

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1 There should be 10cm of paper on either side ( Fig 1 ) .
2 A retaining wall about 2ft ( 60cm ) high should be 9in ( 20cm ) thick .
3 The overflow pipe ( which should be 22mm in diameter ) should be positioned such that the top is at least 20mm below the discharge from the ballvalve and the bottom is at least 25mm above the waterline .
4 Fertile , moist soil and sun are necessary , and spacing should be 23cm ( 9in ) each way , unless it is to be used for lawns , when spacing should be 15cm ( 6in ) .
5 Fertile , moist soil and sun are necessary , and spacing should be 23cm ( 9in ) each way , unless it is to be used for lawns , when spacing should be 15cm ( 6in ) .
6 The outlet should be 100mm ( 4in ) from the bottom of the tank , to be free of sediment .
7 Cover for cancellation of your arrangements due to an accident or illness affecting you or your family should be £1,000 to £3,000 .
8 The necessary inference from such a principle as his is that the interpreters of law should be the.ones to define the rights of individuals and to trace the bounds of legitimate government over them .
9 payments should be 100% of loss up to a certain limit , and tapered down in varying proportions thereafter .
10 Bath and shower wastes should be 40mm with a slope of 1° to 5° for lengths up to 3m .
11 Conversely , if the rise of the smaller flap is fixed at 4in , the radius of the larger flap should be 17.74in ( not 19.25in ) , giving a rise of 4.45in .
12 MEED cited the official , from the Agency for International Development ( USAID ) , as also hinting that US aid for fiscal 1991\92 was under review , and that " the contribution should be $24,000,000 , but now it could be reduced to $3,000,000 " .
13 ON August 25 , 1992 , in a report about the large amount of divorce legal costs , we inadvertently stated , due to a typographical error , that average costs of cases which take some time amounted to £250,000 , when the correct figure should be £25,000 .
14 But do n't be bullied by precise , conventional height-to-weight charts that say you should be 9st 6lb .
15 Economic and social factors now loom large , and can be seen as being of greater importance than purely land use matters , though the courts would not necessarily accept such a line of reasoning ( as , for instance , when Lord Widgery held that the London Borough of Hillingdon could not impose a condition that the occupants of a private housing development should be people on the council 's waiting list ) .
16 On the existing assets , the statisticians suggest that the allowance for depreciation should be £134m .
17 A Wave washed ashore and within its rushing sound I heard some hope from periodical land — that most finicky home to all media junkies everywhere.Rather than offer up another fascinating glimpse of some consumable , this Wave challenged me to look into myself and wonder whether organic intelligence is what we should be seeking.This story , Inner Space Outer Space has all the trappings of a mystery thriller , except the mystery is ancient and it is us .
18 Power output on paper should be 127hp .
19 There is only 2.6mV across R13 ( ) which gives 0.104V at pin-14 which should be 10V varying to 0V as the pot is rotated .
20 I have also had it explained to me by other feminists campaigning for equality of treatment of wives under social security laws , that their concern was only with the wives of claimants , not of company directors — thus accepting the DHSS principle that wives should be means tested on their husbands ' resources , regardless of the extent of their access to them .
21 BY their defence the defendants pleaded ( 1 ) that the letter of January 3 , 1940 , constituted an agreement that the rent reserved should be £1,250 only , and that such agreement related to the whole term of the lease , ( 2 ) in the alternative , that the plaintiff company were estopped from alleging that the rent exceeded £1,250 per annum , and ( 3 ) as a further alternative , that by failing to demand rent in excess of £1,250 before their letter of September 21 , 1945 ( received by the defendants on September 24 ) , they had waived their rights in respect of any rent , in excess of that at the rate of £1,250 , which had accrued up to September 24 , 1945 .
22 A shock leader of about 20ft is essential , and should be 12lb to 15lb test .
23 Regrettably , the Court of Appeal has no power in such cases to substitute its own award of damages , and the parties were sent away to face the expensive prospect of a fresh trial , which they avoided by agreeing that the damages should be £60,000 .
24 " The Meeting considering that the number of useless Dogs in this Country are a great grievance , and that for many obvious reasons their number should be deminished. , and it being also represented that a number of Half Grayhounds very destructive to Hares are kept by Many This Meeting recommend to the Gentlemen of the different quarters of Islay to Intimate to the people of their neighbourhood that all useless and superflous Dogs are to be killed , and that the owner of any Dog found chasing Sheep or Lambs or running Hares shall be liable for the Damages , and the Meeting also recommend that no dog be seen at Church or other publick Meetings . "
25 A similar comparison of 1984 and 1992 child benefit rates , taking into account the increase in earnings , shows that the benefit from next April should be £12.55p per child ; instead it will be £9.65p for the first child and only £7.80p for each subsequent child .
26 The temperature should be 24°C , but pH and hardness make no apparent difference .
27 At an absolute minimum , the worth of the company must be £100m ( in fact , within the next two years it would be worth £25Om . )
28 Happy but not complacent — our aim must be 100% Good to Excellent .
29 Outside London , the minimum property value must be £20,000 and inside London , it must be £50,000 .
30 The spur — which must be 2.5mm 2 cable — runs to a fused connection unit ( FCU ) , which should contain a 5amp fuse to provide the correct fuse protection for the new lighting sub-circuit .
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