Example sentences of "[be] [to-vb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ So I struggled on when the best thing would have been to go into the reserves and get my confidence back .
2 Their advice should probably have been to go down the High Street to a large newsagents and buy one or more magazines devoted to the PC and read up on the subject .
3 I mean , the sensible thing would have been to go to her room , would n't it ?
4 The Poles ' sole contribution to history has been to indulge in foolish pranks , at once valiant and provocative .
5 ‘ We see ourselves as a specialty chemical company and the strategies are to invest in facilities and R & D , to emphasise Europe as we go forward and to continue to improve the quality ’ .
6 After all , unless we can show that we are able to do better with the totality of the sums , and the totality of the business , why should any shareholder believe that we know better how to deal with his money if we are to invest in areas outside our particular expertise , than he can by individual investments ?
7 SOME of the biggest names in Irish literature are to gather in Londonderry next month for a five-day ‘ Languages of Ireland ’ literary festival .
8 There is , then , no shortage of social science research which is claimed to be necessary if we are to cope with environmental change .
9 If we are to proceed in our quest or to search our land we have to accept that we are unlikely to do so , unless we accept some measure of control ourselves .
10 To get anger in perspective , it helps to see how many positive references there are to anger in the Bible .
11 His relationship with his disciples prior to the crucifixion provides a model for the fellowship that believers are to enjoy in subsequent centuries .
12 Cleveland police are to object to the transfer of a licence for Henry Afrika 's nightclub in Norton Road , Stockton when the case is heard next month .
13 A further 420 jobs , are to go at Westland , the Somerset helicopter maker , in its high-technology division .
14 A total of 290 workers are to go at PIRELLI 'S industrial cable plants at Eastleigh , Hants , and Newport , South Wales .
15 Ever the traditionalist , AT&T Co chose late Friday to announce that 1,000 jobs are to go at its transmissions systems Merrimack Valley Works plant in North Andover , Massachusetts : 5,000 employees will remain after the big lay-off ; AT&T cited reduced demand and improved plant efficiencies for the cuts , which are planned for late August .
16 Sixty two jobs are to go at a milk depot .
17 Sixty jobs are to go at the Dowty Seals factory at Ashchurch near Tewkesbury in Gloucestershire .
18 A hundred and forty jobs are to go at a brewery distribution centre in Swindon .
19 Six hundred and twenty mining jobs are to go at the Bickershaw colliery in Lancashire and up to a hundred jobs will disappear at Granada Television , the makers of ’ Coronation Street ’ .
20 Six hundred and twenty mining jobs are to go at the Bickershaw colliery in Lancashire and up to a hundred jobs will disappear at Granada Television , the makers of ’ Coronation Street ’ .
21 A hundred and ninety four jobs are to go at Smiths Industries : the company says cuts in production of aircraft at the Boeing factories in America are to blame .
22 It 's been announced that seventy jobs are to go at two research establishments — A-E-A Technology is laying off forty maintenance staff at Harwell , and thirty engineers at nearby Culham .
23 And forty eight jobs are to go at M-F-I , in Northampton .
24 Thirty more jobs are to go at another plant at Cinderford in the Forest of Dean .
25 A hundred jobs are to go at a medical factory over the next two years .
26 Almost a hundred jobs are to go at a lift-making factory .
27 There 's speculation tonight that up to two hundred jobs are to go at the Dowty Landing Gear factory at Staverton near Gloucester .
28 Thirteen hundred jobs are to go at an oil platform construction yard in the Highlands .
29 Up to a hundred jobs are to go at the Nationwide Building Society .
30 Fifty four jobs are to go at their plant in Bishops Cleeve near Cheltenham .
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