Example sentences of "[be] [v-ing] more " in BNC.

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1 And since her birthday , she had been seeing more of Dionne than she had for years .
2 Tracey Hall of Style Academy said she had been seeing more males looking for jobs .
3 Finally , check with your airline , airport or travel agent regarding check-in times — some airlines are allowing more time for extra security searches
4 Three year old son Andrew 's been eating more as Tom 's been ordered to lose weight .
5 Many first time buyers are seeing more than half their take home pay eaten up by their mortgage payments .
6 True , the next task is to stop growth itself damaging the environment — Thailand 's farmers are using more chemicals than before , for example .
7 The information may become inconsistent , and even if this is carefully watched , the two structures are using more memory than is really necessary , due to the duplication .
8 We are producing more goods in our factories of better quality than ever before , how can there yet be a recession ?
9 EC firms are producing more output overseas , while Japanese-owned firms are expanding R&D inside the Community .
10 The argument is that if firms find that they are producing more than is being demanded , they will observe an involuntary increase in their inventories of unsold goods and so will rectify this by cutting back on production and laying off workers .
11 Since the 1950s parents have been accumulating more ( and always better ) consumer goods , domestic appliances , automobiles and luxuries .
12 Erm they 're in no hurry to join but with this second period er from September or was it October and erm once again there is this idea that , you know , the tide is turning and they , they will now join erm they wo n't find it so hard to join as the rich peasants but once again they 're not as enthusiastic and maybe they should be but they are , they are helping more but er er and this is the key er for which you know Mao talked about later is that we 've got to get the middle peasant actually actively involved
13 Now schools are forecasting more job losses as £7m comes off the education budget .
14 It sounds as though you 've been using more conditioner than your hair needs .
15 You 've been wasting more .
16 Apple says A/UX customers are demanding more CPU performance and will be able to get it through PowerPC .
17 In return for BA being able to increase its 25% stake in USAir , American carriers are demanding more access to British airports — especially BA 's fortress at Heathrow .
18 Finnish environmentalists are demanding more information about the content of the spill .
19 CRIME-HIT small firms are demanding more powers for the police and courts today after a survey found that almost 50pc of them have been victims of some sort of crime .
20 Our survey found that while parents are demanding more control over schools , enthusiasm diminishes when asked to give up time to become governors or attend parent teachers events .
21 Britons join pasta set BRITONS are eating more pasta than ever before but they still have a long way to go to match their continental neighbours , according to a survey by pasta makers Buitoni .
22 THE Government 's efforts to ensure that all 10 water authorities are successfully floated on the Stock Exchange in December are becoming more than a little disingenuous .
23 In addition , the advanced economies are becoming more service-sector orientated ( growth of personal services ) which has reduced their primary and raw material needs .
24 Well it I mean already , it is having quite an im impact erm especially for items like furniture and bedding , and I mean bedding does n't last for ever , especially with a family , and I know erm they 're allowed every so often , but erm I mean I think erm the the cutbacks are becoming more and more and more and and people seem to be which means that we have to look around for voluntary erm agencies that ca such as , who can provide us with furniture or beds and bedding .
25 I think people are becoming more and more and it 's not true financial implications here .
26 Erm that is an area where , that and road traffic accidents which has grown considerably in , in the time that I 've been in the service in more recent years , which has become more sophisticated , the equipment has become more sophisticated , the techniques have had to be developed to deal with them and firemen are becoming more expert in , in handling these er er situations with , with equipment er which is much more technical , and , and er
27 I think in general cars , the newer vehicles , are becoming more and more reliable .
28 For their part , the Saudis are applying more pressure upon the Lebanese Assembly members .
29 The deaf are finding that their hearing aids are amplifying more than just the voices of their friends .
30 Total £700 £150 and from this you can see that motherboard upgrade is a reasonable proposition because you are keeping more value than you are replacing .
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