Example sentences of "[be] [adv] such " in BNC.

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1 But any that have been worn flat or dug out of the applicator base are obviously such favourites that you should write down the names immediately .
2 ‘ The dispositions of men are naturally such , that except they be restrained through fear of some coercive power , every man will distrust and dread each other . ’
3 But in the national insurance system , a bottom layer of income ( up to £43 a week ) is only contribution-free for those whose total earnings are below such a level ; once they cross the threshold , they are obliged to pay contributions on the lot .
4 Imogen had lived in Hampstead , and had been just such an attractive sixth-former when he had met her on a trip to the States .
5 The map gives some prominence to Lincoln and also names Lindsey ( meaning either the later Lindsey or possibly the county of Lincoln ) , and the map 's patron must have been just such a well-educated man with Lincolnshire connections as Richard de Bello , who was an MA .
6 He was an opportunist , who took advantage of the chances fate laid out for him , and this last weekend had been just such an example .
7 In the National Certificate in Scotland there are already such generic units and these can be used to support occupational programmes .
8 The Mamores are just such a group of mountains , containing 11 Munros placed magnificently between Loch Leven and Glen Nevis , and since there is easy access from both north and south you have all manner of decisions to take about where to start and finish , how many to do and in what order .
9 Dominant ideologies are just such broad processes : at least , in the context of our discussion , they are abstract conceptualisations of broad processes having to do with the management and allocation of resources , power and authority .
10 335s are just such effortless guitars to play .
11 It is n't often that you hear a genuine story of a tail wagging the dog but spreadsheets and personal computers are just such a case .
12 Still you 're about the same height , and they 're obviously such good clothes . ’
13 And they 're always such good photographs .
14 You 're ever such good boys at school are n't you ?
15 Because we 're both such weak willed people , honestly !
16 When secular affairs are mentioned , such as the prohibition of plots against the king 's life , they are always such as to promote public order .
17 The only " properties " that numbers can have are " relational properties " , and are moreover such as presuppose a basic parity in logical status as between related terms ( which distinguishes them , among others , from the so-called " mental " relations ) .
18 I am under such a constant mental and emotional strain .
19 I know it must appear churlish when I am under such an obligation to you — ’
20 The practicalities of service of the Summons , entering appearance , lodging Defences and so forth , are usually such that consideration of tactics can not be undertaken until the Adjustment Period is fixed .
21 Can it be justified to send to prison people too poor to pay fines — and there are more such persons during times of economic crisis — not only when the original crime of which they were convicted did not warrant a prison sentence , but when their crime is trivial in the extreme in comparison with corporate crimes which we lack the political will to tackle directly by socialist remedies ?
22 ‘ Leila my dear , this may be the Advanced Technological Age , but there are still such things as two-way mirrors , you know .
23 There are still such personalities in advisory positions today ; fortunately for parents , as we shall see , this attitude is out of fashion .
24 But herbs are also such plants as borage , honeysuckle , hyssop , marshmallow , yellow gentian , and evening primrose , all plants with beautifully coloured showy flowers , some for shade and some for sun .
25 courses are also such that a substantial number of candidates never make the grade .
26 That 's one reason Awareness Days are often such a charade .
27 Later akroteria are often such flying figures ; it is a natural choice for the position high above the roof and was probably always common .
28 Also , dreary though the suggestion sounds , if economies look like being the order of the day , two-car families might assess whether , come retirement when perhaps husband and wife will be doing more things together , two cars are really such an essential as before .
29 The advances in information technologies are now such that in most parts of the world the trend is towards monopolisation of both electronic and print media , and particularly , of the culture industry .
30 Amongst the highlights were the Candelabra primula — P. bulleyana , P. beesiana and P. pulverulenta — which , with their numerous hybrids , are now such a feature of gardens like Rowallane in Northern Ireland and Bodnant .
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