Example sentences of "[be] [adv] give " in BNC.

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1 It is usual to make specific provision for service of such notices , eg at the last known home address of a partner , in a way that will afford evidence that it has been duly given ( eg by registered delivery , entry in the firm 's post book etc ) .
2 If your net margin on sales is 10 per cent and the discount offered for early payment is 2.5 per cent , you are effectively giving away a quarter of your profit .
3 My final point relates to the penalties that will be employed when North sea workers are eventually given some sort of legislative protection against victimisation .
4 ( The chords shown in Example 83 are limited only to those with the root on C , and are mostly given with notes in close formation .
5 Today augmentations are rarely given , but in times gone they were less rare and were granted to such as Thomas Howard , the victor of Flodden , Sir Winston Churchill of the reign of Charles II , his son John , first duke of Marlborough , Sir Frederick Treves , surgeon to King Edward VII , the Boleyn family for providing Anne to King Henry VIII , Admiral Nelson , the first Duke of Wellington and the Right Honourable Vincent Massey , a Governor-General of Canada .
6 Questionnaires and achievement scores may be used but they are rarely given high priority .
7 The usual advice is to prepare the ground by digging two spits deep , but we are rarely given an explanation why , and for that very reason , therefore , we do not see the correct way to do it .
8 There was no immediate sign of an answer , but after Creggan had given up any hope of a reply and was looking at the path lights beginning to come on in the Park outside the Zoo there was a subtle shift of talons in Slorne 's cage , a gentle shift of wings , the swiftest of meek glances , and Creggan , too late to catch the look full on , yet sensed that in her mute way Slorne was saying ‘ Yes , oh yes , you were right to predict her return ’ This knowledge that another eagle there believed his prediction had been right gave Creggan comfort in those first weeks in the Cages .
9 A few are ‘ trying out ’ policing by joining the reserves first , although the common view amongst the reserve police is that it is harder for them to transfer to the regulars than it is for someone without experience to sign up straight away because of the greater number of reasons the police authorities are thereby given for turning them down .
10 The shareholders are thereby given the power to judge for themselves whether the directors are using their managerial powers for their own benefit at the expense of the company and if this is so to veto the transaction or at least hold the director liable for any profits thereby made .
11 Article 118A also allows majority voting in the Council , so offering obvious political attractions to the Commission and to the European Parliament who are thereby given greater powers over the legislation .
12 A sacrifice of analytical rigour may not be that important if the concept which has been thereby given life is never used , and it is clear from Lord Greene M.R 's judgment in the Wednesbury case that he conceived of it being utilised only in the extreme ( and hypothetical ) instance of ‘ dismissal for red hair type of case . ’
13 God 's mighty instrument is the lives that are wholly given to Him for His purpose .
14 It just shows how much people take for granted in contemporary society where kissing has become as ordinary as a handshake and the media are constantly giving us the message that sex is only exciting if it is different or forbidden .
15 And so the media are constantly giving the impression that there 's something that the British government should be doing .
16 Despite , or perhaps because of , this late arrival social anthropologists are much given to tracing their intellectual pedigree to as remote and as illustrious ancestors as they can uncover .
17 Those whom we call ‘ self-made men ’ are much given to this hideous barbarism …
18 The utilitarian theorists — such as L W Sumner and Joseph Fletcher — reject moral absolutes , but still rely on deductive reasoning to arrive at moral principles and are much given to abstract statements like ‘ a fetus is a human being which is not yet a person ’ .
19 Anil Kumble took four of the seven wickets to fall today and England could only quibble with one of them — when Graeme Hick looked to have been wrongly given out for 47 , caught off bat-and-pad at short leg .
20 Nor is it the case that in saying ‘ I promise to meet you ’ I am merely giving expression to — or reporting or describing — an inward , mental act .
21 All of these recommendations , however , are only to give you a first taste of the scope of theatrical writing .
22 Our course makes no serious attempt to cover all areas that could reasonably come under the electronic publishing umbrella — database publishing , network information services , and ( perhaps more seriously ) CD-ROM publishing techniques are only given passing mentions .
23 These are only given to skilled people who contribute to the US economy .
24 While many of these benefits are ‘ means-tested ’ , in other words are only given to people whose income is below a certain level , some , such as disability living allowance , are not dependent on how poor or how wealthy you are .
25 New technology and more international competition will eventually create more jobs than they destroy , as they have for the past two centuries , if they are only given a chance to work .
26 It would take a hundred lifetimes merely to skim the surface and , alas , we are only given one .
27 In organisations people are only given sufficient power to carry out their responsibilities effectively .
28 The mantic view implied that the words are divinely given ; so any text can be interpreted in the light of other texts where the same word occurs .
29 Principal contenders are rightly given more time than fringe candidates .
30 The competitive Durham sides of recent years are rightly given much space , for this is to mark their elevation .
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